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导读 fieldrunners攻略文章列表:1、通过CI/CD实现自动化部署web,小项目也可以玩的高大上2、码畜们,一起来看下springboot启动war包过程吧3、读后续写 | 2022年新高考I卷 续写范











{"events": [{"title": "All Day DevOps 2018","desc": "We're back with 100, 30-minute practitioner-led sessions and live Q&A on Slack. Our 5 tracks include CI/CD, Cloud-Native Infrastructure, DevSecOps, Cultural Transformations, and Site Reliability Engineering. 24 hours. 112 speakers. Free online.","date": "17 octobre 2018, online event","ts": "20181017T000000","link": "https://www.alldaydevops.com/","sponsors": [{"name": "all-day-devops"}]},{"title": "Création d'une Blockchain d'entreprise (lab) & introduction aux smart contracts","desc": "Venez avec votre laptop ! Nous vous proposons de nous rejoindre pour réaliser la création d'un premier prototype d'une Blockchain d'entreprise (Lab) et avoir une introduction aux smart contracts.","ts": "20181004T181500","date": "4 octobre à 18h15 au CEEI","link": "https://www.meetup.com/fr-FR/IBM-Cloud-Cote-d-Azur-Meetup/events/254472667/","sponsors": [{"name": "ibm"}]},…]}



生成web 页面之后,将它们复制到nginx image中——部署在目标机器上的image。


· 资产的生成

· 创建包含资产的最终映像


# Generate the assetsFROM node:8.12.0-alpine AS buildCOPY . /buildWORKDIR /buildRUN npm iRUN node clean.jsRUN ./node_modules/mustache/bin/mustache events.json index.mustache > index.html# Build the final image used to serve them FROM nginx:1.14.0COPY --from=build /build/*.html /usr/share/nginx/html/COPY events.json /usr/share/nginx/html/COPY css /usr/share/nginx/html/cssCOPY js /usr/share/nginx/html/jsCOPY img /usr/share/nginx/html/img


测试目的:只需要clone repo 然后在运行test.sh。test.sh 会创建一个image然后运行。

$ git clone :lucj/sophia.events.git$ cd sophia.events$ ./test.shSending build context to Docker daemon 2.588MBStep 1/12 : FROM node:8.12.0-alpine AS build ---> df48b68da02aStep 2/12 : COPY . /build ---> f4005274aadfStep 3/12 : WORKDIR /build ---> Running in 5222c3b6cf12Removing intermediate container 5222c3b6cf12 ---> 81947306e4afStep 4/12 : RUN npm i ---> Running in de4e6182036bnpm notice created a lockfile as package-lock.json. You should commit this file.npm WARN www@1.0.0 No repository field.added 2 packages from 3 contributors and audited 2 packages in 1.675sfound 0 vulnerabilitiesRemoving intermediate container de4e6182036b ---> d0eb4627e01fStep 5/12 : RUN node clean.js ---> Running in f4d3c4745901Removing intermediate container f4d3c4745901 ---> 602987ce7162Step 6/12 : RUN ./node_modules/mustache/bin/mustache events.json index.mustache > index.html ---> Running in 05b5ebd73b89Removing intermediate container 05b5ebd73b89 ---> d982ff9cc61cStep 7/12 : FROM nginx:1.14.0 ---> 86898218889aStep 8/12 : COPY --from=build /build/*.html /usr/share/nginx/html/ ---> Using cache ---> e0c25127223fStep 9/12 : COPY events.json /usr/share/nginx/html/ ---> Using cache ---> 64e8a1c5e79dStep 10/12 : COPY css /usr/share/nginx/html/css ---> Using cache ---> e524c31b64c2Step 11/12 : COPY js /usr/share/nginx/html/js ---> Using cache ---> 1ef9dece9bb4Step 12/12 : COPY img /usr/share/nginx/html/img ---> e50bf7836d2fSuccessfully built e50bf7836d2fSuccessfully tagged registry.gitlab.com/lucj/sophia.events:latest=> web site available on http://localhost:32768

在输出的信息下面有一个网址 http://localhost:32768




在这里我们用swarm来管理docker。而不是用K8s,swarm稍微简单些, 也便于大家通过这篇文章来自己实现CI/CD。


docker compose 如下

version: "3.7"services: www: image: registry.gitlab.com/lucj/sophia.events networks: - proxy deploy: mode: replicated replicas: 2 update_config: parallelism: 1 delay: 10s restart_policy: condition: on-failurenetworks: proxy: external: true


· image被放在了gitlab.com私有仓库中

· 服务处于具有两个副本的复制模式,这意味着服务的两个任务/容器同时运行。VIP(虚拟IP地址)通过集群与服务相关联,因此每个针对服务的请求都在两个副本之间实现负载平衡。

· 每次更新服务(部署web站点的新版本)时,更新一个副本,10秒后更新第二个副本。这确保在更新过程中web站点仍然可用。我们也可以使用回滚策略,但是现在还不需要。

· 该服务附加到外部代理网络,因此TLS终端(运行于部署在集群上的另一个服务中,但不在此项目中)可以向www服务发送请求。


docker stack deploy -c sophia.yml sophia_events


Portainer平台有一个很棒的web UI界面,它允许用户非常容易地管理Docker主机和Docker集群。下面是Portainer界面的截图,它列出了集群中可用的应用。


· portainer自己

· Sophia_events


下面列出位于Sophia_events中的www服务的详细信息,我们可以看到服务webhook已被激活。自从Portainer 1.19.2(到目前为止的最后一个版本)以来,这个特性就可用了,它允许我们定义一个HTTP Post端点,可以调用它来触发服务的更新。稍后我们将看到,GitLab运行器负责调用这个webhook。

注意:从屏幕截图中可以看到,我从localhost:8888访问Portainer UI。由于我不想将Portainer实例暴露给外部世界,所以通过ssh隧道进行访问,使用以下命令打开ssh隧道:

ssh -i ~/.docker/machine/machines/labs/id_rsa -NL 8888:localhost:9000 $USER@$HOST



Gitlab runner

GitLab runner 是一个负责执行. GitLab –ci.yml 文件的驱动 ,当代码被push到主分支的时候,会自动执行预先写好的脚本,从而实现自动化。对于这个项目,我们将自己的GitLab runner定义为VM上的docker服务。


docker run — rm -t -i -v $CONFIG_FOLDER:/etc/gitlab-runner gitlab/gitlab-runner register --non-interactive --executor "docker" --docker-image docker:stable --url "" --registration-token "$PROJECT_TOKEN" --description "Exoscale Docker Runner" --tag-list "docker" --run-untagged --locked="false" --docker-privileged



CONFIG_FOLDER=/tmp/gitlab-runner-configdocker run -d --name gitlab-runner --restart always -v $CONFIG_FOLDER:/etc/gitlab-runner -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock gitlab/gitlab-runner:latest



· 测试阶段运行一些预检查以确保events. json文件格式正确并且images完整 。

· 构建阶段构建image并将其推送到GitLab registry 。

· deploy阶段通过发送到Portainer的webhook触发服务的更新。WWW_WEBHOOK变量在GitLab.com项目页面的CI/CD设置中定义。


这个runners在swarm的容器中运行。我们可以使用一个共享的runner——他们可以在托管的主机上共享资源——但是,runner需要访问Portainer endpoint (发送webhook),因为我不希望Portainer被玩不访问。




1. 开发人员将一些更改推给GitLab。这些更改基本上涉及事件中的一个或多个新事件。json文件加上一些额外的赞助商的标志。

2. GitLab运行器执行. GitLab -ci.yml中定义的操作。

3. GitLab运行器调用Portainer中定义的webhook。

4. 在webhook接收端,Portainer部署了www服务的新版本。它这样做,调用Docker Swarm API。Portainer可以作为套接字/var/run/ dockerr访问API。袜子启动时是绑定安装的

5. 然后用户就可以在web上看到最新的信息了。



$ git commit -m 'Fix image'$ git push origin master




即使对于这个小项目,设置一个CI/CD管道也是一个很好的练习,尤其是要更加熟悉GitLab。这是一个优秀的产品。这也是使用期待已久的Portainer(1.19.2)最新版本的webhook特性的好机会。另外,对于像这样的一个小项目,使用Docker Swarm是很简单的——它很酷,而且很容易使用!









@SpringBootApplicationpublic class SpringbootApplication { public static void main(String[] args) { SpringApplication.run(Springbootapplication.class, args); }}


@SpringBootApplicationpublic class SpringbootWarApplication extends SpringBootServletInitializer {public static void main(String[] args) {SpringApplication.run(SpringbootWarApplication.class, args);}@Overrideprotected SpringApplicationBuilder configure(SpringApplicationBuilder builder) {return builder.sources(SpringbootWarApplication.class);}}



1) 继承了SpringBootServletInitializer

2) 重写了一个方法configure



The ServletContainerInitializer class is looked up via the jar services API.

For each application, an instance of the ServletContainerInitializer is created by the container at application startup time.

The framework providing an implementation of the ServletContainerInitializer MUST bundle in the META-INF/services directory of javax.servlet.ServletContainerInitializer, as per the jar services API,that points to the implementation class of the ServletContainerInitializer.

In addition to the ServletContainerInitializer we also have an annotation -HandlesTypes.

The HandlesTypes annotation on the implementation of the ServletContainerInitializer is used to express interest in classes that may

have annotations (type, method or field level annotations) specified in the value of

the HandlesTypes or if it extends / implements one those classes anywhere in the

class’ super types.


就是在spring-web的包下,在META-INF/ services目录下,有个接口以接口ServletContainerInitializer的全路径为名称的文件,里面有个具体的实现类。



这不就是大名鼎鼎的 SPI吗?





@HandlesTypes(WebApplicationInitializer.class)public class SpringServletContainerInitializer implements ServletContainerInitializer {


这个注解的意思是 在调用这个类的方法时,比如下面的方法:


@Overridepublic void onStartup(@Nullable Set<Class<?>> webAppInitializerClasses, servletContext servletContext)throws ServletException {List<WebApplicationInitializer> initializers = new LinkedList<>();if (webAppInitializerClasses != null) {for (Class<?> waiClass : webAppInitializerClasses) {// Be defensive: Some servlet containers provide us with invalid classes,// no matter what @HandlesTypes says...if (!waiClass.isInterface() && !Modifier.isAbstract(waiClass.getModifiers()) &&WebApplicationInitializer.class.isAssignableFrom(waiClass)) {try {initializers.add((WebApplicationInitializer)ReflectionUtils.accessibleConstructor(waiClass).newInstance());}catch (Throwable ex) {throw new ServletException("Failed to instantiate WebApplicationInitializer class", ex);}}}}if (initializers.isEmpty()) {servletContext.log("No Spring WebApplicationInitializer types detected on classpath");return;}servletContext.log(initializers.size() " Spring WebApplicationInitializers detected on classpath");AnnotationAwareOrderComparator.sort(initializers);for (WebApplicationInitializer initializer : initializers) {initializer.onStartup(servletContext);}}






@Overridepublic void onStartup(ServletContext servletContext) throws ServletException {// Logger initialization is deferred in case an ordered// LogServletContextInitializer is being usedthis.logger = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());WebApplicationContext rootAppContext = createRootApplicationContext(servletContext);if (rootAppContext != null) {servletContext.addListener(new ContextLoaderListener(rootAppContext) {@Overridepublic void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent event) {// no-op because the application context is already initialized}});}else {this.logger.debug("No ContextLoaderListener registered, as " "createRootApplicationContext() did not " "return an application context");}}

重要的是WebApplicationContext rootAppContext = createRootApplicationContext( servletContext);


protected WebApplicationContext createRootApplicationContext(ServletContext servletContext) {SpringApplicationBuilder builder = createSpringApplicationBuilder();StandardServletEnvironment environment = new StandardServletEnvironment();environment.initPropertySources(servletContext, null);builder.environment(environment);builder.main(getClass());ApplicationContext parent = getExistingRootWebApplicationContext(servletContext);if (parent != null) {this.logger.info("Root context already created (using as parent).");servletContext.setAttribute(WebApplicationContext.ROOT_WEB_APPLICATION_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE, null);builder.initializers(new ParentContextApplicationContextInitializer(parent));}builder.initializers(new ServletContextApplicationContextInitializer(servletContext));builder.contextClass(AnnotationConfigServletWebServerApplicationContext.class);builder = configure(builder);SpringApplication application = builder.build();if (application.getAllSources().isEmpty() && AnnotationUtils.findAnnotation(getClass(), Configuration.class) != null) {application.addPrimarySources(Collections.singleton(getClass()));}Assert.state(!application.getAllSources().isEmpty(),"No SpringApplication sources have been defined. Either override the " "configure method or add an @Configuration annotation");// Ensure error pages are registeredif (this.registerErrorPageFilter) {application.addPrimarySources(Collections.singleton(ErrorPageFilterConfiguration.class));}return run(application);}

是否看到了一句:builder = configure(builder);




@Overrideprotected SpringApplicationBuilder configure(SpringApplicationBuilder builder) {return builder.sources(SpringbootWarApplication.class);}





完了吗? 没有!


return run(application);


protected WebApplicationContext run(SpringApplication application) {return (WebApplicationContext) application.run();}



public ConfigurableApplicationContext run(String... args) {StopWatch stopWatch = new StopWatch();stopWatch.start();ConfigurableApplicationContext context = null;Collection<SpringBootExceptionReporter> exceptionReporters = new ArrayList<>();configureHeadlessProperty();SpringApplicationRunListeners listeners = getRunListeners(args);listeners.starting();try {ApplicationArguments applicationArguments = new DefaultApplicationArguments(args);ConfigurableEnvironment environment = prepareEnvironment(listeners,applicationArguments);configureIgnoreBeanInfo(environment);Banner printedBanner = printBanner(environment);context = createApplicationContext();exceptionReporters = getSpringFactoriesInstances(SpringBootExceptionReporter.class,new Class[] { ConfigurableApplicationContext.class }, context);prepareContext(context, environment, listeners, applicationArguments,printedBanner);refreshContext(context);afterRefresh(context, applicationArguments);stopWatch.stop();if (this.logStartupInfo) {new StartupInfoLogger(this.mainApplicationClass).logStarted(getApplicationLog(), stopWatch);}listeners.started(context);callRunners(context, applicationArguments);}catch (Throwable ex) {handleRunFailure(context, ex, exceptionReporters, listeners);throw new IllegalStateException(ex);}try {listeners.running(context);}catch (Throwable ex) {handleRunFailure(context, ex, exceptionReporters, null);throw new IllegalStateException(ex);}return context;}







读后续写 | 2022年新高考I卷 续写范文33篇

题 目

阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 It was the day of the big cross-countryrun. Students from seven different primary schools in and around the small town were warming up and walking the route (路线) through thick evergreen forest.I looked around and finally spotted David, who was standing by himself off to the side by a fence. He was small for ten years old. His usual big toothysmile was absent today. I walked over and asked him why he wasn't with the other children. He hesitated and then said he had decided not to run.What was wrong? He had worked so hard for this event!I quickly searched the crowd for the school's coach and asked him what had happened. “I was afraid thatkids from other schools would laugh at him,” he explained uncomfortably.“I gave him the choice to run or not, and let him decide.”I bit back my frustration (懊恼). I knew the coach meant well — he thought he was doing the right thing. After making sure that David could run if he wanted, I turned to find him coming towards me, his small body rocking from side to side as he swung his feet forward.David had a brain disease which prevented him from walking or running like other children, but at school his classmates thought of him as aregular kid. He always participated to the best of his ability in whatever they were doing. That was why none of the children thought it unusual that David had decided to join the cross-country team. It just took him longer — that's all. David had not missed a single practice, and although he always finished his run long after the other children, he did always finish. As a special education teacher at the school, I was familiar with the challenges David faced and was proud of his strong determination.注意:1.续写词数应为 150左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。Paragraph 1: We sat down next to each other, but David wouldn't look at me. Paragraph 2: I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners.


We sat down next to each other, but David wouldn't look at me. With a sorrowful expression hanging on his face, David sat around motionlessly and helplessly, his head drooping powerlessly.Clenching my teeth, I took a deep breath and patted him to get his attention in a discreet and scrupulous manner. Under his gaze I took the plunge to persuade him, “No one will laugh at those who pursued success with painstaking effort. Just believe yourself!"It was not long before David stood up determinedly and earnestly, strode to the starting line and gave me a firm look back.

I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners. Within a moment or two, the big cross-country run began, after which I stood still, only to see David's figure disappearing from my sight slowly. Immediately, I arrived at the finish line by taxi to wait for David's arrival. After what seemed like ages, David crossed the finish line, exhausted but thrilled. Seeing this sense, I flip-flopped from an anxious state to irreversible delight in a flash. However, what moved me most was the moment that David rushed to me and convey his gratitude to me that it was my encouragement that snatched his last hesitation, for which it empowered him to have a burning desire to finish the competition and feel the excitement of conquering himself.


We sat down next to each other, but David wouldn't look at me. He just lowered his head, obviously in a low spirit. I caressed his head, comforting him gently. A short moment's silence, he burst out into tears, saying it was not his real choice not to participate in the cross-country run. His worry was that kids from other different schools would laugh at his awkward behavior. “So it's time to prove yourself. With your persistent practice, you can make it!” He looked at me trustfully. With my warm words and high five, he raised and headed forwards firmly.

I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners. Signal rung out, the student athletes shot like arrows, except him. He swung his feet forward with great efforts. Strong determination and perseverance led him to finish the run as regular kids. Though arriving at the finishing line long behind others, David held his hands high with the gesture of “V”, winning applauses from the audience! Splendid smiles on his face bloomed just like flowers in summer. Indeed, I wish someday the challenges children in special schools would inspire them to be better persons.


We sat down next to each other, but David wouldn’t look at me. He just looked down and sadness flashed his face.“Maybe my coach is right.”His voice was so low that I scarcely heard it. “Never mind,my boy!”I snatched David’s hands, looking into his eyes,“As long as you have a strong will, you can do what you want to do! Don’t care what other people think of you.”“Really?”David murmured, his starry eyes glittering as the amber-like sunshine.“Definitely!”I cupped my mouth and exclaimed,“Come on! You will be the best!”

I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners. It was at that moment that I saw David’s determination. The race began and all the children ran as fast as they could. David also tried his best but he was still the last one to arrive. However, when he came to the finishing line, the crowd burst into thunderous applause. Words failed to convey my feeling. I just congratulated him with a big hug.“I made it!”David’s usual toothy smile came back again, which left a deep impression on me. Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.


We sat down next to each other, but David wouldn’t look at me. With head down and shoulders trembling, obviously, he was trying hard to hide his disappointment. Gently putting my arms around him, I asked with care: “ You still wanna try, don’t you?” He nodded, tears starting to roll down and wetting my shirt. A while later when he finally calmed down, I told him how I appreciated his determination confronted with challenges. “Everyone believes in you, and your efforts in practice won’t let you down, either.” Grinning his usual big toothy smile, David regained confidence and agreed to have a try.

I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners. At that very moment, David’s small figure seemed tall and impressive in my eyes. The cross-country run was not easy for him, though, especially with so many ambitious runners competing. His unusual way of rocking from side to side made him unusual among the runners, yet nobody laughed at him. Instead, along the way, other kids passing by cast a smile and thumbed up at him. As expected, David finished his run as usual long after others, but he earned respect with every step of determination and proved he was as regular as everyone else.


We sat down next to each other but David wouldn't look at me.He just kept his eyes fixed on the kids who were warming up for the event near the starting line,” Don't you really want to have a try? ”, I asked. “Yes, I do, but I'm afraid the kids from other school will laugh at me.” David lowered his head, murmuring in depress. Hearing that, I encouraged him , “ You always participated to the best of your ability in whatever your classmates were doing and on one regards you as a different one. And you have never missed a singal practice for the event. Why don't you follow your heart ?”. Pushed by me, he looked up at me thoughtfully. Then he stood up, giving me a determined look.

I watched a stave moved on to the starting line with other runners.When the starters gun sounded, a lot of runners ran like wind. David struggled, with his small body rocking from side to side. Along the way, some kids from other schools noticed David was different, but out of the coach expectation, they didn't laugh at him but clapped to encourage him , moved by his strong will. As other runners reached the finish line one by one, I was waiting there, feeling so anxious about whether David could finish the task. After what seemed a centure, a small figure finally appeared in the distance. As David crossed the finish line, raising his arms in triumph, the crowd burst out thunderous applause and cheers, including the coach . At the award ceremony, David was awarded the award for the most outstanding performance.


We sat down next to each other, but David wouldn't look at me. I squatted down and patted David on his shoulder. I looked at David's little face and said gently, “we all appreciate your courage and determination to overcome the challenges. We believe in you!” I nodded at him, encouraging David to participate in the big cross-country run. I pointed to the route through the thick evergreen forest. David's eyes were brimming with radiating vigor, and his big toothy smile spread again. Without any hesitation, David swung his feet to the starting line.

I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners. All of the runners clapped their hands, welcoming David to join them. The starter’s gun sounded, and David lurched forward with the other children, running awkwardly on his toes. Although he faced a great challenge, David really made it! He had never missed a single chance to become stronger. He insisted on doing what he loved. It was his strong determination and perseverance that made him finish the race. Looking at the little boy's performance, I felt proud and realized the real meaning of being a special education teacher. Only with love and appreciation, can we brighten more children's lives.


We sat down next to each other, but David wouldn't look at me. Seeing this, I couldn't feel more sorrowful. Considering he was so determined a boy that I knew he didn't want to give up, but he needed a boost. “David, running is your favorite sport, right?”, I said to him with a smile. Slowly he raised his head and looked at me with hesitation. I continued, “You have been always practicing running. Do you run for others or yourself? Follow your heart and you will find the answer. Believe in yourself!” Upon hearing this, he pondered for a moment and nodded at me, “Yes, sir. I run for myself and it’s a pleasure for me to run. I should face the challenge, whether the result is good or not.” Great relief poured into my mind as he stood up…

I watched as David moves up to the starting line with the other runners. Confidently and excitedly, all the runners started off, running into the thick forest. David kept up with the big troop, with his small body rocking from side to side. I waited anxiously at the finishing line, worrying about what problems David might encounter and whether he could overcome them. A few hours later, the runners walked out of the forest one after another, crossing the finishing line. However, my heart sank when David didn't turn up. After a while, big shouts came from other people, “Come on David! You are the best! ” David limped at the back of the queue. Everyone along the road cheered for him. I went up to meet him, giving him a big hug. He said breathless, “ I just made it ,sir. ” And eventually his usual big toothy smile returned to his face.


We sat down next to each other, but David wouldn't look at me.“If I were you, I would be also afraid of being laughed at.” I said gently to show my understanding. He slowly raised his dropping head , tears filling his eyes. I asked him whether he would regret if he gave up the event since you have practised so hard. He mulled it over and said “yes”. I told him all of his classmates and teachers would always have his back. He raised his eyes, looking at me gratefully. “I will run”, he said firmly and stood up.

I watched as David moved on to the starting line with the other runners.Seeing him coming over, his teammates cheered for him by giving him high fives. When the starting whistle sounded, he ran forward. His body swayed violently with running. Somebody burst into laughter, but David ran continually, his face shining with determination. Soon the cheers drowned out the jeers. Half an hour later,I fimally caught sight of a wobbly figure heading for the finish line, he made it! “Live confidently without fear of ridicule.” I murmured to myself and felt so proud of David.


We sat down next to each other, but David wouldn’t look at me. Seeing this, I knew David was in a dilemma. I got closer to him, patting him on the head slightly and asked him in a soft voice, “Do you want to be a braver?” He nodded his head firmly. “The coach just wanted to give you the right to make your own choice. You participated in every practice. I’m sure you can make it! Please remember that in no case will you give up!” Encouraged by my words, David looked at me with shining eyes, with his big toothy smile on his lovely face. He was no longer hesitant and got up to the starting line.

I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners. I breathed a sigh of relief. Hearing a whistle, David dashed out like an arrow. But gradually, David was out of breath and it was obvious that his footsteps were heavier and heavier. All the people present screamed and cheered him up. David continued to run and didn’t give up. At last, David crossed the finishing line, still long after the other children. But all of us were proud of him and the smile on everyone’s face lit up the whole world!


We sat down next to each other, but David wouldn’t look at me. In front of me was his drooping head with his eyes fixed on the floor. Seeing the frustrated boy, I felt my heart was broken and decided to change the situation. I gently stroked his hair, held his hand tightly, and comforted him in a soft voice, “Just believe yourself and go for it! Everyone will cheer for you.” Once hearing what I said, David slowly looked at me with his watery eyes, murmuring, “Really?”, which was responded to with a nod of encouragement. It seemed that a current of strength ran through him. He wrapped his arms around me and took a deep breath, then stood up and headed for the competition venue.

I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners. Awkwardly as he walked, he marched forward determinedly. When the run started, he patted his cheeks slightly and began his running. Though he was gradually left behind by other runners, he kept moving forward. As time went by, every other runner had arrived at the finishing line, and I was still waiting for him when he eventually appeared. Puffing and panting, he dashed through the finishing line with thunderous applause and cheers. Looking at his big toothy smile flashing across his face, I was so proud of him. It was his confidence and determination that made him a perfect runner.


We sat down next to each other, but David wouldn't look at me. With silence hanging heavily in the air, he ducked down his head. It seemed that he wanted to join the run from the bottom of his heart. So I patted him on the shoulder and said, “You want to run ,right?” Upset and hesitant,he nodded slowly. To encourage him, I whispered to him that he would definitely do a good job since he had practiced so hard. Hearing these words, he raised his head, with his eyes wet. I gave him a big thumb-up, which made him gather his courage and decided to run. He wiped out his tears and stood up, straightening his small body and moving through the crowds.

I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners. When he set his foot on the line, I was worried that other children would laugh at him, since so many kids gazed at him with curious eyes. However, so determined was David that he ignored everything around him, only watching forward. When the whistle rang, he tried his utmost to run as fast as possible. Moved by his spirit, I followed him and cheered him up along the way. Though the cross-country run was tough, he made it . To our surprise, when he crossed the finishing line, the crowds burst into applause. David gave me a bear hug, revealing his usual toothy smile. It was then that I realized that despite his disease, no one laughed at such a beautiful soul, since he shone like a diamond with determination rooted in his heart.


We sat down next to each other, but David wouldn't look at me. He just ducked his head and stared at his own shoes. I asked him if he really decided not to run. He nodded, biting his lip. "Look,"I said calmly, "You never missed a single practice. You always finished every run. Do you want your efforts to end up in vain?" He hesitated a lot and murmured, "Other kids will laugh at me." l assured him that he would be the best runner on condition that he finished the run. Hearing my words, he finally made up his mind to run and I urged him to go to the starting line.

I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners. He looked back at me and I cast him an encouraging smile. Then the race began. All the runners shot out like arrows. I cheered for him and headed towards the finishing line. As time wore on, other runners finished the run but I caught no sight of David. After what seemed like centuries, I finally saw he showed up with his forehead sweating heavily. I held my breath as his legs seemed to give out. Although David was the last to cross the finishing line, no one laughed at him. Thunderous applause erupted from the kids with everyone hailing David. His big toothy smile occurred again. It clicked that he hurdled his fear and fulfilled his potential, and the unremitting effort was worth it.


We sat down next to each other, but David wouldn’t look at me. I gave him a soft pat on the shoulder, “Don’t be afraid someone would laugh at you, you are just trying your best. If you don’t want to run today, no one will have the chance to laugh at you, but you will also lose the chance to be applauded.” I continued, “Don’t let anyone stop you from being yourself! David, we will stand by you!” After weighing my words, David said in a low but determined voice, “I want to run!”

I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners. The run was beginning! David dashed, fell over and got up as he swung his feet forward. Then, he was left behind by other runners within a few minutes. I started to cheer and then many coaches and students joined me, “Come on! David...” With the encouragement ringing in the air, David attempted again and again with his unique running style. A wave of cheer and applause burst out when David succeeded in crossing the finish line. He greeted me with his usual big toothy smile and said confidently “It was an amazing experience!”


We sat down next to each other, but David wouldn’t look at me. Observing his frustrated face, I sighed and patted his head, whispering, “ Want to have a try, will you?” David raised his head, glanced at me and said with a trembling voice, “Yes, but what if the others teased me?” Hearing what he said, I hugged him tightly and told him that nobody could discouraged a determined soul, even though the one was a coach. Nodding his head, he stood up, clenched his fist and stumbled to the starting line.

I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners. As a bump announced the beginning of the big cross-country run, the other runners ran like an arrow, with David left far behind. But he struggled to run as usual. I followed and encouraged him along the way. Approaching the finishing line, he was surprised to find the other runners were waiting for him and shouted, “Come on! Come on!” With tears rolling down, he continued limping. On his arrival at the finishing line, all the runners accompanied him to walk through the finishing line hand in hand, smiling.


We sat down next to each other, but David wouldn’t look at me. I could feel his inner struggle. I patted him on the shoulder, “David, I know you have been expecting the run. Why let your coach’s worry get in your way? Achieving the aim is far more important than anything else. Think about the tremendous effort you’ve made.” David looked up at me, his eyes shining brightly. I held his hands and told him the kids from other schools wouldn’t laugh at him, instead, they would cheer for his bravery and determination. David was not hesitant any more and decided to run.

I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners. The moment the starting gun rang, all the students rushed out. David tried his best as usual. But as he was obviously falling behind, people began to find he was different. Unluckily, he fell over a branch. Seeing him in great pain, we almost felt our blood frozen. But he rose to his feet and raced on. We shouted and cheered, firmly convinced that he was regular. Nothing could stop him. He finally made it, though still long after the other children. That big toothy smile appeared on his face.


We sat down next to each other, but David wouldn't look at me. With his head silently buried, I could tell how frustrated and heart-broken this little boy was. “Actually, we were really confident about you, hoping you could join us.” Hearing what I said, David looked up at me in surprise. A flash of hope sparkled his eyes. “But I am really afraid that the kids from other schools will laugh at me.” He seemed pretty worried. “You’ve gone such a long way to be here. Don’t let others’ opinions get in the way to your success. See, they’re all waiting for you.” I pointed to the starting line, where the team were shouting his name excitedly.

I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners. I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners. The signal pistol going off , David rushed out but no wonder he was left behind just from the staring line. The unusual way of movement drew everyone’s attention. With all eyes fixed on him, his small body was gradually swallowed up by the thick forest. After twenty minutes, some runners started to rush out of the woods. Of course, David didn’t make any miracle to be the first runners to come back. But we did see him after another 20 minutes. At a steady speed, he crossed the finishing line with everyone’s applaud and cheering. I embraced him, tears in my eye. This boy, whatever difficulties he would encounter, must have learned today that he was the master of his own life.


We sat down next to each other, but David wouldn't look at me. His fingers twisted nervously. I waited there for him to start speaking.“Do you think I am good enough to be in the competition, Miss? Won’t they laugh at me?” he said, pointing to the kids from other schools. “Everyone may face obstacles, and we all feel discouraged from time to time, but be confident because you have put in hard work. You are good enough to be at the line with your teammates.” I said gently, trying to encourage him. He thought about it for a while, stood up and said, “Thank you, Miss, I choose to participate and I will try my best!”

I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners. The race gun sounded and the runners raced off to the forest. I sat in the audience, cheering loudly for him. David was much slower than the others. His way of running was quite different but no one laughed. On the contrary, the audience began to cheer for him. At the end of the race, he was, without doubt, the last to finish, but he received a warm applaud as he crossed the line. He happily ran towards me and shouted, “I did it ! thank you Miss!” I was proud of him and me as well. We shouldn’t overlook the power that we can give others.


We sat down next to each other, but David wouldn't look at me. “David, you are an ambitious young man full of enthusiasm and vitality.” I held his hands tightly, “Just look at my eyes. Trust me!” David stood silently, tears rolling down his cheeks. “Miss, with the brain disease, I had thought I did not practise well enough to participate in the competition so that I am afraid of being laughed at.” David felt frustrated and hopeless. I was absolutely understanding what he felt in his mind. “Boy, you have done well and your future is very promising.” David looked at me, with his eyes twinkled with excitement, and stood up just like a superman in front of me.

I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners. As the bell rang, David ran as fast as he could like a wild horse running in the filed. In the first round, David fell behind others about 5 meters. But bathed in a competitive atmosphere, he was in high spirits and felt a sudden strength inside him. In the last 50 meters, seeing David try his best to rush for the finishing line, I was nervous and had my heart in my mouth. When the host announced that David won the 3d prize, he was wild with delight, waving to me with joy and sweetness.


We sat down next to each other, but David wouldn't look at me. His head stooped spiritlessly and he seemed to be crying."You know the team needs you, don't you, David?”my words broke the silence.“I don't want to let them down, sir. I couldn't live with myself," he whispered, still hanging his head in frustration."You know that by not running you will disappoint them all? Don't you want to run?”I asked.“More than anything but the conditions are so difficult and the forest so dense that I'm afraid I won't make it,”he answered, still looking at the ground.“You’ll never know unless you try!" David stood up and walked away still without looking at me, a determined look on his face.

I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners. The starting gun fired, and they were off. All the runners contested for the lead, just with David struggling to keep up. Unluckily, he slipped over. Without hesitation, he picked himself up and plodded off after the others into the forest trail.I waited at the finishing line. All the runners raced in but no sign of David. One of the boys said David had fallen a couple of times. After a long time, David emerged from the forest, mud-splattered, bruised and clearly suffering. He refused any help and made his way to the finish line. To his astonishment all the other runners had waited and applauded and cheered him. Then for the first time that day his big toothy smile broke across his mud-streaked face as he was surrounded by his team.


We sat next to each other, but David wouldn’t look at me. He buried his head into his arms and couldn’t help sobbing. “ Come on, you can do it.” I whispered to her in a soft voice and patted his shoulder gently. “ Really ? “ he suddenly jumped to his feet and shouted in a trembling voice. His eyes were shining with hope. At that moment, I showed the photo in my cellphone with her. In the photo, he was running as fast as he could with all the other boys on the playground. The bright smiles, the loud cheers ,the sweaty face as well as the determination to win victory suddenly crowded into his mind. Without hesitation, he wiped away the tears and struggled to his feet to embrace the challenge.

I watched as David moved up to the Starting line with the other runners. I yelled with a sense of pride. In the distance , David was running as fast as his disabled leg could carry him. The gentle breeze and singing birds seem to cheer for him. Unfortunately, David tripped over by a stone. “ Oh, my God’ I signed and hurried to him. To my surprise, my dear friend gritted his teeth, ignored the bleeding knee and gathered all his strength to stand up and dashed to the finishing line. “ What a brave boy”! I signed and hugged him tightly with teary eyes.


We sat down next to each other, but David wouldn’t look at me. I asked him, “Why not run?” He stuttered, “I-I don’t know, looking at the crowds. A few seconds later, several words came out of his mouth, “Maybe afraid of being laughed .” “But you have practiced so hard recently”, I blurt out, “Think about the efforts you have made. But of course, it’s your choice. Guess what? I don’t think it is a good reason. You know, there are always someone who don’t like us. The point is whether you want to do it yourself. Just think about it.” It was silence again between us. David was biting his mouth, looking at the distance again. A few minutes later, he stood up and uttered the words, “I would like to run.” I nodded smilingly. So, he has made up his mind.

I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners. David began his running with the starting signal. I was a bit excited when suddenly a shadowy figure fell over. My heart sank. Seeing the small figure, I knew it was David. I ran to him and shouted, “Get up and run!” The audience around him were also calling, “Come on ! You can do it.” A few seconds later, he rose and ran again. He disappeared in the distance in no time. I went to the finishing line, waiting eagerly. When the first person crossed the line, lots of other runners finished their running. But no David. I was wondering what might have happened to him when the small shadowy figure appeared again in the distance. “Well done!” I said to myself. He was approaching the finishing line when I saw the mud in his clothes. He must have gone through a lot all the way. Crossing the line, his usual big smile was there as that sunny day.


We sat down next to each other, but David wouldn't look at me. He hung his head, trying to avoid eye contact with me. It was a tricky moment, calling for a good choice of words. Having thought it over,I mentioned some events which won people's praise for his determination and perseverance.His face began to lighten.He added that even the judges thumbed up at him. The whistle went off and the competitors began to take their places. To my joy, David slowly rose to his feet.

I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners. David stood firmly in his position, ignoring anything around.Pushing forward without balance, he was left behind. However, when he came into sight, the spectators burst into thunderous cheers and applause.Inspired by the enthusiasm and encouragement, David quickened his pace in high spirits. It turned out that he achieved his best record ever. Seeing his confident smiles,I sighed in relief. With the power to conquer himself, he can conquer anything on the way to a promising future.


We sat down next to each other, but David wouldn't look at me. A flood of sympathy and sadness emerged in my heart. I tapped him on the shoulder and pulled him into my arm. At that moment, David's classmates approached him and said, "Let's run together."When David saw them, memories of playing and exercising with them flashed into his mind. There is no denying that they all regard David as their friend. David looked up at us, a pleasurable and relaxing smile appeared at the corners of his mouth.

I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other rwnners. As the gun rang out, David and other runners began to run. His small body rocked from side to side as he swung his feet forward. His legs were trembling and drops of sweat were running down his cheeks. He held his fists, gritted his teeth and kept running. When he finished, everyone cheered for him and expressed their respect. Never had I expected that my acts could make such a difference to him.A lamp is lighted and my heart is warmed as well.


We sat down next to each other, but David wouldn't look at me. He buried his face in his arms and began to sob.After a split second of pause,I put one hand on his shoulder gently, reached the other out to him and said in an inspiring voice,"You can make it, David! We are all looking forward to your performance."He raised his head, looking at me with confidence in his eyes. For a moment he hesitated, but the idea of beating himself made him gather all his courage to take my hand. Then I nodded to him, giving him a big bright smile.

I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners. He took a deep breath and calmed himself down.As soon as the event began, everyone rushed to the head of the team, leaving David's small figure behind, who swung his body side to side. Eventually, he gathered all his strength and struggled his way to the finishing line. At that moment, all his classmates and even other schools' students ran to embrace him and cheered for him. Seeing what was happening in front of him, he flashed that familiar big toothy smile again. Needless to say, David was filled with so much encouragement and his heart was actually lit up by this event.


We sat down next to each other, but David wouldn't look at me. Depression hung over him like a heavy dark cloud and tears welled up in his eyes. I patted him on the shoulder gently, gave him an encouraging look and ventured in a soft voice, "You are a regular boy, David. Maybe you were born with some physical defects, but your strong determination will cover the shortages." After a split second of pause, David nodded slightly, tears giving way to the usual big toothy smile. Then he got to his feet. It wasn't long before the race began.

I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other rwnners. David took the first step, slowly but firmly. My eyes kept on him from the very beginning to the end. Like each previous practice, though he finished his run long after others, he did complete it. He ran rockily towards me with his confident smile. It was his willpower that enabled him to make such a running miracle. For others, it was just a simple cross-country run. But for David,it was a symbol of strong determination and self-breakthrough.


We sat dowm next to each other, but David wouldn't look at me. He lowered his head and rubbed his hands."You don't want to give up,do you?"I asked in a soft voice. He nodded with tears in his eyes but still hesitated. Then I showed him some photos, some showing him running every day, and some laughing with his classmates. His face lit up and that David, hard-working, determined, full of positive energy,came alive. He looked up at me, promising to find his true self again.

I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners. He looked back at me and I responded with a bright smile. With the cheers of everyone present, the competition began. At first, students from other schools whispered and pointed at him. But as time went by, they were overcome by his tough spirit. David finally finished the running, gasping for breath. Despite the last one to reach the finish line, he still earned him admiration and thunderous applause. Everyone is like a flower,some having fragrance,but some not.As long as you bloom, there will be bees and butterflies.


We sat down next to each other, but David wouldn't look at me. He lowered his head and rubbed his hands. Obviously, he was stuck between a rock and a hard place. Trying to break the silence, I tapped him on the shoulder gently."You are special, but that's your uniqueness. Today, you're here to show that uniqueness with all your diligence and determination", I ventured in an encouraging voice. My simple words, spoken from the heart, found their way straight into his. He raised his head and stared into my eyes. I sensed that his dilemma gave way to trust in me, with his eyes twinkling with determination and hope. That familiar David, hard-working, determined, full of positive energy, came back.

I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners. I clenched my fist and waved at him. He gave me a determined look, as if to say that he would not change his mind. He took a deep breath to calm himself down, then toed the line, ready to run. With a bang, every runner shot like an arrow. At first, everyone's attention was focused on the winner. But as David, the last one,made it to the finishing line, time seemed to stand still. Thunderous applause broke out, with the name David echoing again and again. Maybe if we knew what other people were thinking, we'd know that no one's ordinary. And we all deserve a standing ovation at least once in our lives.


We sat down next to euch other, but David wouldn't look at me. Depressedand low-spirited, David sat silently with his head dropping. And from time to time, he stole a glance at me as if he had something to say. Noticing this scene,I patted him on the shoulder and said with patience and eagerness, "It's been a long time since you started to prepare for the big cross-country run. You really want to let it go?Just try it!?"While he didn't say a word, I knew there was a decision in his heart.

I watched as Duvid moved up to the starting line with the other runners. With a whistle, everyone rushed up.David held on for a while and then he dragged his legs with inner firmness. What was alarming was that he fell down. Gasping with pain,he forced himself to his feet and with slow,shaky steps, began to run.After silence came a storm of applause. Even if David didn't get a good place, he was still happy. I nodded with satisfaction and a little bit more efforts thumbed up at him. Such is the key to"success"—and determination will create a little bit more miracles.


We sat down next to each other, but David wouldn't look at me. It was apparent that he was still hesitant whether he should have a try in running with others. Spotting this, I approached him gradually and told him he was no different from other normal students in my opinion and that doubtlessly he could make it without much difficulty. With my words of encouragement David stood up firmly and went to the join the other runners.

I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners. In the very beginning he lagged behind others for his strange running style. However, he didn’t lose heart and quit. On the contrary, he sped up little by little and much to the audience’s surprise he was among the first runners who arrived at the finishing line early. Not only were the audience and other students impressed by the fact that David eventually made it in finishing the race, but also they admired him very much for his great determination.


We sat down next to euch other, but David wouldn't look at me. I knew he was upset. Out of concern, I comforted him with warm words,"You are the very person that is determined and optimistic. Keep it on however challenging the situation is. Do your best instead of caring about others'thoughts."Hearing my inspiring words, David could see the silver lining in the cloud. His longing for success eventually overcame his fear.

I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners.He breathed deeply and then rushed out with all his courage and strength without thinking twice. However, he was still left behind by other students. To us audience's surprise, he didn't give up half way. Exhausted as he was, he still rushed to the finishing line. Applause and cheers broke out as if he was a winner. David felt a sense of achievement welling up in his heart. "Everyone deserves a better version of themselves," as the old saying goes.


We sat down next to each other, but David wouldn’t look at me. It was I who broke the silence first. “David, I think it’s not reasonable to quit right now. Do you remember the days when you spent so much time and effort in practicing?” It seemed that my words worked. He lost himself in thought and then turned to me. “Yes, you’re right. What I should focus on is myself not others’ views.” He replied. Meanwhile, the run was going to start soon. David took a deep breath and stood up.

I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners. Then with the whistle blowing, the run began. Although David couldn’t run as fast as others, he kept a steady speed. Five minutes later, there was a long distance between David and other runners. However, looking at his body rocking from side to side, no one laughed at him. Instead, kids along the road clapped their hands to encourage David. Finally, with strong determination, he reached the finish line. I went over to hug him and everyone present gave him a thumbs-up. How great to see his big toothy smile again!


We sat down next to each other, but David wouldn’t look at me. Looking directly at him, I firmly said, “David, it’s your rights to pull out of the competition if you don’t want to run today. But it’s not good enough to do so only because you fear the worst for possible sarcastic comments. There are people like doing these mean things. The real matter is whether you let these few people stop you from pursuing your passion for running. If you want to run, David, then you run.” Several minutes after his taking my words, David said with fierce determination, “I’m gonna run.”

I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners. After the starting pistol exploded, all the runners sprang into action and ran forwardonly to find David fell on the track from time to time. Then, the small bold figure picked himself up and started again and again. I knew he would continue.Rocking with the rhythm of his run, he finally crossed the finish line long after other children. There, he gave me his typical toothy smile, saying, “That was easy!”


We sat down next to each other, but David wouldn't look at me.His eyes deliberately avoided mine, and his smile also disappeared on the face, with his limbs shaking as weak as leaves. “It” s not the real you, David”, I broke the silence, walked to his front, holding his shoulders and continued, “Listen, David, you have prepared so much for this running, if you want to quit, I will be for you.” David burst into tears. Suddenly,a group of kids emerged around us. The came up to David, and embraced him and shouted “Cheer up. David, you can do it !” David stopped crying and his face lit up by their encouragement. Turing around, he gave me a smile and walked to the starting line where other kids were ready to start. (124)

I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners. Start!All the kids disappeared swiftly like lightening into the forest, leaving David staggering and struggling his steps forward.But his body was uncontrollable, soon his heels were bleeding, because his shoes were worn out. After a long time, David was still 100 meters away from the finishing line. The path was lined with the coach and other kids in tears, who were informed of the poor body condition of David. No one laughed at him, but cheered up and clapped for him. David was touched and he was stepping forward when he was tripped by a big rock. “ He is bleeding!” cried the other kids. “David! David!David!” the voice became louder and louder until David dragged his leg surpassing the terminal. He did it, with his belief and encouragement and love from everyone present. It was a miracle. His usual big toothy smile would not be absent forever. (150)


We sat down together on some steps, but David wouldn’t look at me. (开始第一段续写处) I quietly said, “David, if you don’t want to run today, no one is going to make you. But if you’re not running because you’re afraid someone is going to laugh, that’s not a good enough reason. There will always be someone who will laugh and say mean things. There are people like that, and that’s just the way it is. The real question is whether you are going to let those few people stop you from doing something you really want to do. Are you going to let them get in your way? If you really want to run, David, then you run!”I held my breath as David took this in. Then he looked at the field and said with a fierce but quiet determination, “I’m gonna run.”

I stood on the sidelines with the excited crowd as David moved up to the starting line.(开始第二段续写)The starter’s gun sounded, and David lurched forward with the other children. But he had only gone a few metres before he tripped and fell flat on the ground. My heart sank. As I started to shout encouragement, other voices around me took up the call. “Come on David, you can do it!” I knew without even looking that these voices were not just those of his schoolmates. They came from parents, teachers and kids from other schools, who quickly understood the courage it took David to attempt this run.David picked himself up and started again. All the other runners had disappeared over the hill. But it didn’t matter. This was David’s run. He had worked for it, and he wouldn’t give up! As long as he was in sight, David heard people calling his name.I waited anxiously by the finish line as the first runners completed the two-and-a-half kilometres of forest trails. Soon all of the other runners had come in and another race had begun. Still no David! I started to feel sick. Had I done the wrong thing? He hadn’t checked out the trail with the other runners. Could he have become lost? Finally, a small figure emerged from the forest. With heels kicking out to the side and his body rocking with the rhythm of his run, David plodded toward the home stretch. He raised his arms in triumph as he crossed the finish line to wild cheers and applause.Then, when David’s coach slapped him on the back and said proudly, “Good job, David!” he caught my eye, flashed me a toothy grin and said, “That was easy!”At the end of the year, the track coach asked the class to nominate one of their classmates for the athletic award for their grade. Without hesitation the whole class voted for David, saying that no one had worked harder for that award than he.It was an amazing moment at our year-end assembly. The auditorium resounded with cheering and applause when David came forward and received his award for outstanding athletic achievement—from his beaming coach.

金准数据 人工智能失控论讨论研究报告






上个月,Facebook 人工智能研究所(FAIR)使用机器学习方法,对两个聊天机器人进行对话策略迭代升级,结果发现它们竟自行发展出了人类无法理解的独特语言。研究者不得不对其进行了人工干预。

这一研究一经发布,迅速在网络和媒体上引起了广泛的关注和传播。但是也有人指出,这不就是一堆乱码吗?现在Facebook 的研究院已经停止了这一项目的研究,原因是“担心可能会对这些AI失去控制”。

这不是第一次发现 AI 偏离训练所用的英文,转向发展出新的更加有效的语言。虽然在人类看来,这些沟通更像是胡言乱语。但是,从AI 智能体的角度上看,他们实际上是有词义意义的。

正如Fast Co. Design报道,研究员注意到,系统中的聊天机器人(bots)完全放弃了用英语进行交流,但是,升级版的系统确实能够与其他的智能体进行交流。他们一起可以决定如何继续进行任何工作。一开始,他们所使用的词汇似乎是无法理解的,但是,通过长期的观察,研究者发现,这些词汇其实代表了智能体面临的任务。

例如,在一次交流中,两个进行对话的机器人——Bob 和 Alice,使用自己创造的语言来完成了交流。Bob 开始说:“I can can I I everything else”。Alice回答,“Balls have zero to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to。” 接下来的对话都是类似这样的句子。

虽然这些词语组合第一眼看上去没什么实际意义,但是,研究者认为,他们揭示了两个机器人是如何工作的,每一个词汇他们需要进行多少次处理。Bob的重复说明了他如何使用这一词汇,来想Alice传递更多的信息。如果用这种方法来进行阐述,那么它所说的那就好就有点像人们所说的“I’ll have three and you have everything else”。

看起来,似乎智能体们发现,英语的句子对于特定场景的理解并不是必需的。当下,以深度学习为主的AI 遵循的是“回馈”(reward)原则,智能体通过依照一系统特定的行为行动,会获得相应的利益(benefit)。但是,在这一场景中,继续使用英语并没能带来相应的回馈,所以智能体决定适应更加高效的方法进行沟通。

Facebook AI Research (FAIR)的研究员对FastCo. Designs说,“英语语言中,并没有所谓的回馈能让智能体来遵从。”FastCo. Designs报道称:“智能体会偏离自己人类能理解的语言,创造出自己的‘代码语言’。比如,如果提到‘the’ 5次,那么就是我想要复制这一术语5次。这和人类创造的缩写其实也没有多大的差别。”

其他的AI开发者也注意到了智能体会使用“缩写”来简化沟通。在Open AI,研究者成功地让AI机器人学会自己创造的语言。如果AI继续创建自己的语言,开发人员可能会在创建和采用新的神经网络时遇到问题,但是不清楚这是否会让机器实际上推翻其研发者。


AI会变成新物种吗?AI会毁灭人类吗?科幻电影里的场景真的会发生吗?其官方解释说,关闭的原因并非“失控”,而是无意义,“希望 AI 与人沟通,而不是相互沟通。”“两个机器人为实验性质,且并没有发明新的语言,因为他们还是在用‘i’、‘balls’、‘the’等英文单词沟通,只是没有了英语语法的这个激励项,创造了一种新的表达方式而已。”。简单来说,它们只是英语不太好。



















● AI只是工具,离超级智能还很远;基于我投入AI领域的科研、开发、投资相关工作37年的经验,“超级智能”、“灭绝人类”这类耸人听闻的说法,根本没有切实的工程基础。

● 智库、科学家应该讨论AI安全问题、AI对社会的改变,但是科技圈的意见领袖不应该在这时误导大众AI要控制人类,让人类灭亡,这确实是不负责的说法。大部分的人已经对AI所知有限,这会造成更为错误不实的群众恐慌。

● AI可以为人类创造大量财富,甚至逐渐解决人类温饱问题;我们每个人也将获得更多的时间和自由,来做我们爱做的事情。

● AI真实会带来的问题是人类的失业,失业后可能的抑郁和丧志问题,还有贫富不均问题,人类社会目前所习惯的职业结构确实会发生显著的改变。

● AI会带给我们100%确定性的巨大机会,随着改变也会产生些必然的问题。此时去用概率极低甚至是零可能性的“超级智能”,误导大众恐惧AI,甚至约束AI,反而不去拥抱机会、解决问题,是没有道理的。



在近日《哈佛商业评论》的一次会议上,Andrew Ng和观众分享,比起那些关于人工智能取代人的恐慌,我们更应该担心的是机器学习带来的工作机会的流失。

“作为一名身在人工智能领域的从业者,我开发和推出了很多款的人工智能产品,但没有发现一条人工智能在智力方面会超过人的可行之路。”Andrew Ng说。“我认为,反倒工作岗位流失会是个大问题,我希望我们能对这一问题的解决引起重视,而不是成天沉醉在那些在科幻作品中才可能出现的场景。”

Andrew Ng曾参与过包括谷歌大脑团队在内的多个知名人工智能项目。虽然Elon Musk和Stephen Hawking等科技大佬曾多次提出过人工智能将超过人类的担心,Ng则认为这种情况在不远的将来是不会出现的。


“我私下曾与许多学术界的人工智能专家和开发人工智能产品的产业界朋友们交流过,他们都觉得一款新的人工智能产品的出现在一家公司就可能消灭数以万计个工作岗位,那么在多家公司就会更多。” Ng说道,“但有趣的是,那些工作岗位可能会被人工智能所取代的人们,他们并不理解什么是人工智能,更别谈获得理解人工智能所需要的培训,因此他们还意识不到自己的工作将被人工智能所替代的危机。”



这并不意味着Andrew 希望人人都学会写代码,但他以前也确实表示过希望有越来越多的人可以自己写软件。他表示,未来的夫妻小作坊店最好都能对使用的技术进行个性化定制,来更好地满足自己的需求。






在本月,OpenAI 的人工智能花了 10 分钟就打败了人类的 Dota 世界冠军。

在 OpenAI 位于旧金山的办公室里,研究人员 Dario Amodei 正在通过赛船冠军赛(Coast Runners)来训练人工智能。不过,这个人工智能好像有点失控了。


但 Amodei 的人工智能玩着玩着有点过火了,它在不断地追求高分,非但毫无跨过终点线的意思,反倒为了要多转几个圈拿高分,它开始和其它赛船碰撞,或是在过程中自己撞墙爆炸了。

为了应对,Amodei 和 OpenAI 的同事 Paul Christiano 正在研发一套不仅可以自我学习,同时也愿意接受人工监控的算法。

(Amodei 在告知人工智能,怎样的操作模式才更好)

在赛船游戏的训练中, Amodei 和同事将不时通过按键来指出人工智能的不当之处,告知人工智能,不仅要赢分数,同时也要跨过终点线。他们认为,这种包含了人工干预成分的算法可以确保系统安全性。

而在 Google 旗下 DeepMind 的研究人员也同意 Amodei 和同事的想法。两个团队,分别代表了 OpenAI 和 DeepMind,最近罕有地合作发表了部分人工智能安全方面的研究论文。

除此以外,Google 旗下的 Google Brain,以及来自伯克利大学和斯坦福大学的研究团队,都设有该方向研究课题,从不同方面考虑人工智能安全问题。



伯克利大学的研究人员 Dylan Hadfield-Menell 和团队最近发布了讨论这个问题的论文。他们认为,如果在设计算法的时候,让人工智能对目标保持一定不确定性,它们才有可能愿意保留自己的“关机键”。他们采用了数字方式来尝试实现这个设置,目前还处于理论阶段。


现代计算机视觉基于深度神经网络(deep neural networks),它通过学习分析大批量数据来形成对模式的了解。也就是说,如果要让计算机学会什么是“狗”,那就让它分析大批量狗的图片,并从中寻找规律。

但 Google 的 Ian Goodfellow 则认为,这种模式可能会为黑客提供“蒙骗”人工智能的机会。Goodfellow 和其它研究人员曾展示,只要修改图片中的几个特定像素,他们就能让神经网络相信图片中的大象是一辆汽车。


即便你用了数百万张标志了‘人’的照片来训练一个物件识别系统,你还是可以轻易拿出系统和人工识别 100% 不同意的图片。我们需要认清这种现象。

Goodfellow 说道。虽然这些研究大多仍处于理论阶段,但这群致力于将意外扼制于摇篮的研究人员坚信,越早开始考虑这个问题越好。DeepMind 人工智能安全方面的负责人 Shane Legg说道:虽然我们还不能确定,人工智能将以多块地速度发展。但我们的责任是尝试理解并猜测,这种技术将有可能以哪种方式被误用,并尝试找出不同的应对方式。




嗨!一起淮海TX淮海 | 年轻潮玩新地标


“零售不再只是商品与消费者的交易行为。现代年轻一代的身上有着数以百计的动态标签,TX淮海 | 年轻力文化中心通过社群标签化,为他们精准营造匹配的体验目的地。”

—— 盈展集团主席司徒文聪先生

2019年9月6日, TX淮海 | 年轻力文化中心主办的“嗨!一起淮海”创新峰会在上海衍庆里时尚艺术空间成功举办。

TX淮海,位于有着百年文化沉淀的上海时尚街区——淮海路,TX淮海将作为策展型零售(CURATAIL: Curation for Retail/Curated Retail)的先行者,倡导“Digital数字化、Oasis绿洲、Urban都市、X(Collaboration)跨界”为城市永续发展的核心理念,为新消费社群创造一个传递多元文化与年轻生活方式的平台。



引领文化交融新生的潮流平台INNERSECT首席战略发展官Sasha Jiang、创领全球趋势的数字化艺术团队teamLab项目负责人Tan JC、红遍全球的沉浸式戏剧鼻祖《Sleep No More》上海版制作人/SMG Live总裁马晨骋,及来自东京的复古时尚代表品牌Grimoire的创始人Naoaki Tobe分别就各自品牌的文化基因与策展型零售的关系,及品牌即将在TX淮海内的创新改变进行了精彩演讲;JL Design 创始人、原数字王国Digital Domain大中华区执行副总裁兼视觉特效总经理罗申骏先生分享他为TX淮海植入式艺术空间提供专业数字艺术策展的创意和思考。

上海廿一当代艺术博览会 JINGART 联合创始人周大为介绍了如果用艺术为消费者提供全新的体验,智慧演绎策展型零售空间。此外,盈展集团文化与品牌事务中心总经理潘玮先生及数智科技创始人徐子建、Dark Runners社群主理人周圆、Ontimeshow创始人顾叶丽、DOE联合创始人王秉彝、巧豆传媒首席执行官符玉清以“社群,为商业赋能”的主题,围绕TX淮海主张的“Digital数字化、Oasis绿洲、Urban都市、X(Collaboration)跨界”四大核心要素进行了深入探讨。

潮流平台INNERSECT首席战略发展官Sasha Jiang

创领全球趋势的数字化艺术团队teamLab项目负责人Tan JC

沉浸式戏剧鼻祖《Sleep No More》上海版制作人SMG Live总裁马晨骋

东京的复古时尚代表品牌Grimoire 的创始人Naoaki Tobe

JL Design创始人原数字王国Digital Domain大中华区执行副总裁兼视觉特效总经理罗申骏

上海廿一当代艺术博览会 JINGART 联合创始人周大为


从左至右:盈展集团文化与品牌事务中心总经理潘玮先生、DOE联合创始人王秉彝、巧豆传媒首席执行官符玉清、Ontimeshow创始人顾叶丽、Dark Runners社群主理人周圆、数智科技创始人徐子建

TX淮海——破界 立新 打造中国年轻力文化策源地


“DOUX”为第一阶段艺术品的设计理念,融合“Digital数字化、Oasis绿洲、Urban都市、X(Collaboration)跨界”四大核心元素,由多媒体艺术团体teamLab、新媒体数字艺术家真锅大度、建筑师与环保科技发明家黄谦智、建筑与室内设计师青山周平、AMKK(东信、花树研究所)、新媒体艺术创作单位FIELD、fuse*、onformative、GMUNK等来自不同领域的艺术家和设计师操刀,通过数字美学、智能化的形式融入TX淮海的各个区域。TX 淮海将运用领先的数字智能运营系统,令消费者的每一次到访都获得全新的体验和启发,品牌的经营都将获得创新数字智能的全面支持。


传承延续创新 扛鼎淮海路时尚地标


“嗨!一起淮海”TX淮海 | 年轻力文化中心创新峰会的成功举办开启了一个全新的零售模式,也开启了TX淮海的年轻力潮流策源之旅,相信越来越多的精彩将纷沓而至。11月28日,让我们期待TX淮海的闪亮登场。
