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导读 livemore文章列表:1、一生必备15件奢侈品·或许这是梦寐以求的生活的开始中英双语2、新闻播报July 183、年度盘点:2020年广受关注的十个每日一词4、78岁鲍勃·迪伦发17分钟




1. Living in a beautiful city 生活在一座美丽的城市

We remember waking up in Paris, Vienna or Shanghai and having a smile on our faces as we were opening our eyes.



A beautiful city has intangible economic value.

The people are happier, you enjoy life more. Walking to a coffee shop and sipping your macchiato overseeing beauty early on in the day, fills you with an energy like no other.

Yes, beautiful cities are expensive to live in, but there’s nothing quite like the energy you get in them. Going on a run in central park or down the boardwalk in Santa Monica, grabbing a cold pressed smoothie in the La Boqueria marketplace in Barcelona is something different.



And most people settle for the city they were born in because of convenience. Dream bigger Aluxers, travel, see these places and make it your mission to one day – maybe soon – to enjoy all the benefits these incredible places offer. Pick the one that works best for you!



2. Not having to wake up to go to work 睡到自然醒,不必睁开眼就想着上班

Luxury is not having to do something just because you have to.奢侈不是因为你必须做某件事就必须去做。

If you’ve been an Aluxer for a while, you know we’re big advocates for waking up as early as you can to make the most out of each day, but do it because you’re excited to wake up, you’re excited about what awaits you.


Sacrificing sleep, just to shower, put some clothes on, be stuck in traffic until you eventually end up in an office, doing an unfulfilling job just because it pays the bills, doesn’t seem to us like it’s something anyone wants to do.


Many of you know that those extra 30 minutes, spent in bed with holding your partner tight make life worth it and you shouldn’t have to sacrifice those moments because there aren’t that many to begin with.



3. Quality time with your Kids and Spouse同孩子和配偶有着高品质的生活

Time goes by so quickly, it’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of everything urgent and important without realizing what’s important in the long run.Truth be told, you’re not getting a sec时光匆匆,你们很容易陷入焦头烂额的事务漩涡之中,从来意识不到从长计议是何等重要!

Spending time with them, showing them the world, being an active part in their development, for many is a luxury. Life is complicated, expensive and difficult to navigate. Sacrifices need to be made and some, end up sacrificing this once in a lifetime opportunity to spend time with their kids saying it’s for their future, for their benefit.


Same goes for your partner. The spark you had initially slowly fades away because people take relationships for granted.


When’s the last time you truly made your partner smile? When’s the last time they told you they love you and you felt it?


It’s easy to think of cars, bags, sneakers, dolla bills, chains and whatever else MTV told you was luxury, but the moment you take a step back you see clearly what makes you wealthy.



4. Quality food & Drinks 优质食物和饮品

We’re going to say this once:h关于这个话题,我们只说一次。no idea WHAT & HOW to eat.

More people are dying from obesity than of hunger, diabetes is in the top 5 deadliest diseases in the US.


We live in a world of abundance… of a lot… you know what we have a lot of? JUNK Addiction. We buy junk, we eat junk, we drink junk. Look in your fridge right now, even better, look around you, there’s food probably lying around you right now.


They get you addicted to sugars, to food that gets your brain fired up and asks for more.


Quality food isn’t more expensive than regular food, but it isn’t as convenient.rything good in lif优质食品并不比普通食品昂贵,但得来却不容易。es time!

When’s the last time you had a great meal? Here’s what a great meal is:


– You take part in the cooking process. -–你的大餐必须是你亲自掌勺。
– You use ingredients that are in season (not flew from the other side of the earth and which have never seen the sun themselves)

– You eat outdoors, so you can hear and feel the wind and sun brushing on your skin.

– At the table, you’re surrounded by friends and loved ones, who are laughing.

– There isn’t an abundance of food, because you’re eating for taste & sharing it with them.

– Because of the ingredients, the taste is amazing, you can almost feel it just listening to this, your mouth is probably watering.

– You follow it with a great glass of whine. 伴着美食,必有美酒。
– You tell stories until the sun sets down and it gets chilly outside.


We’ve had many similar experiences throughout our life where you simply realize you’re ENJOYING LIFE, not just surviving it.


Before you say this kind of experience is expensive, we’ve had it for less than 15 bucks a person. Quality wine isn’t expensive. Quality food isn’t expensive. You’re just accustomed to paying $20 at McDonalds and filling your eating whole, instead of looking for alternatives.



5. Feeling like you’re in control of your life能够掌控自己的生活

A fundamental part of any life worth living is this feeling of power that comes from making your own decisions and you being better off because of them.


Too many people live lives someone else picked for them. They pick your job, they pick their schedules, they pick what to wear, who to marry, essentially who to be.people live lives they don’t enjoy just to impress others!


There’s nothing like being in control over your own life, your existence, not being limited by others. You’re free and freedom is the epitome of luxury!


Luxury is about being in control of your environment, but more importantly, of yourself and your destiny!


That’s why you need goals, that’s why you need a game plan – if you don’t feel like you’re in control over your life. Everything we’ve learned and used to crush every single goal we’ve set for ourselves so far is currently being distilled and packaged for your easy consumption in our latest premium experience. Goal mastery. We really wanted to get this out to you guys sooner, but this year hasn’t been kind to any schedule, yet we’re still going to go live with it soon.

这就是为什么你需要目标,这也是为什么你需要一个人生规划——如果你觉得自己无法掌控自己的生活的话。到目前为止,我们所学到的一切,我们用来实现我们为自己设定的每一个目标的一切, 都在我们最新的高级体验中进行了提炼和包装,以便您轻松地践行自己的目标。目标就是彻底掌控一切。我们真的很想早点把这件事告诉你们,如果今年的规划实现得不太理想,我们还是会很快接受和适应。

The only way to predict the future, is to create it. 预测未来的唯一途径就是创造未来。

6. Simplicity 简洁生活

They told you to go shopping.
They told you it will make you happy, having all those beautiful things.
They lied to you.
They took the money and bought simplicity for themselves!.. Leaving you with all the nonsense.. all the: stuff.





We’ve never had as much STUFF as we have today. We feel overwhelmed by it, we can barely keep all of it in order and clean. And yet, we guarantee you that you already have a couple of things in mind that you can’t wait to buy for yourselves.Which is why the ultimate act of freedom is having only the essentials.


The happiest people in the world live simple lives.世界上最幸福的人都简朴的生活。

This is why in the recent years minimalism has become so trendy. People are beginning to realise just how little they actually need and how happy they are when they free themselves of excessive material positions.



7. Heritage 传承

Who are you? Where do you come from? Who were your parents? What did they leave behind? What will you leave behind? What will the world know you for? Will it even remember?!

The world never forgets true value, whatever form it might take.



We remember their names, what they did, what they stood for.


Heritage is not to be taken lightly. It takes multiple generations all working together to build and preserve it.


Maybe you’re the first one in your family tree to build a notable LEGACY, but never take for granted you past. Everyone survived and tried to do their best. They managed to get you here. What you do now, is in your hands, but you’re standing on the shoulders of your ancestors.



8. A comfortable home 舒适的家

People live in boxes stacked one on top of the other. Trapped without knowing it, with the illusion of freedom just because they’ve been given a key to their own cage. They all come back on their own and lock themselves in their tiny cage.


Your home is where you spend most of your life. Allow it to inspire you.


A 3rd of your life is spent in your bed. Invest in a quality mattress, good pillows, high tread linens.


Luxury and comfort go hand in hand and comfort allows you to be more than you are.

If you’re busy fixing the same leaking pipe every week, when do you think you’ll have the time be more than you are.



A comfortable home is a clean home. We already talked about simplicity, about optimizing your living space so that when you open up your eyes in the morning, you feel blessed to be in this home. If that’s not the case, you’ve got some work to do!


9. Other people recognizing your success 他人认可的成功

We are social creatures. Anyone who looks up Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs knows that Esteem – the recognition for peers and others – is right up there under self-actualization which is basically what this entire list right here leads to. But let’s break this down apart first.


Picture this: you finally did it, had some help along the way but it was mostly you. Those who doubted you, who said you’re not good enough, not smart enough, didn’t have what it takes, or that there’s no way you could do it.. Are now furious with envy and biting their tongues. Your parents are proud of the person you’ve become. Your peers look up to you for what guidance and inspiration.

Your partner couldn’t be any prouder to have you as their half and your kids want to be just like you when they grow up!

你的伴侣十分自豪地想你成为她(他)及孩子的另一半, 他们期望长大后成为你一样的人!

This is what true luxury is! It’s this feeling captured and made a part of your life.


You might be thinking: “Who cares what other people think”, but when you’re all by yourself, you know it’s you who cares. You care what they think. You care what you think about yourself.


Giving the entire world the finger and screaming from the bottom of your lungs a big whistle to the world doesn’t add real value. But you know what does? Actual success. Putting in the work. Building that new reality.


In order to get to the top of the pyramid, you need to climb through all the levels!

10. Feeling safe and Privacy安全和隐私得到保护

There are levels to safety and privacy. Security no longer comes from fearing that a lion will eat you, instead it focuses on how predictable your future is; how well you sleep at night; how much do you worry on a day to day basis, how far away are you from danger.


Social media has been amazing for society, but in the process we sacrificed something we took for granted: PRIVACY.


You gave away everything you are to facebook and in exchange they allowed you to keep seeing pictures of your high school crush.

You never realize just how much of who you are is already out there. The problem is, you probably can’t ever take it back. Beyonce tried her best to get this picture off the internet and here we are, using it just to prove a point.


Fortunately, things are slowly beginning to change for the average person. The rich have known the value of privacy for years, it’s only now normal people are beginning to take notice.


Although you’re physically safe, we spend most of our time online these days and the danger is adapting with the times we live in.


Every time you use the internet, including right now, these companies are monitoring everything you do, what you watch, what you listen to, what you write in the comments, who your friends are, who are you stalking and more. They package your information and sell it to other companies.


11. Not having debts to pay 无债务负担

What is life like, to go through it nonchalantly knowing that there are no chains holding you down?!


We know rich people who despite their tremendous wealth, are so much in debt that it’s keeping them up at night.


For many, it takes years before they rid themselves of the chains of debt. Some people go through their entire life consistently in debt: Student loans debt, mortgage debt, surviving-till-next week debt.


Luxury comes in many forms, not having to worry about debt, about someone else owning a portion of what you make with your own hands, mind and time is another form of freedom and elegance.


12. A supporting inner circle 有支持你的核心圈子

There’s nothing you can buy that tops knowing that the people you care about have you back.


You see, there’s something called “self-love” where you care about yourself so much that you raise the standards of the people around you. The last thing you want is to be in a boat where while you’re rowing hard others are drilling holes.


Friendship.. Family.. The feeling of belonging.. Of finding your squad, your crew, your team, these are extremely valuable and you’d be shocked how few people get to say they truly found theirs.


These are the people who are emotionally generous and they’re sharing with you their good vibes, their energy, their soul and excitement for life!


Do you realize how valuable it is to have a source of unconditional love and support? If that’s not a luxury, we don’t know what is.


13. The time to enjoy art 有时间欣赏艺术

At the very top of human existence lies ART, in all its forms.


Art is human emotion trapped inside a painting, a song, a sculpture, a film. Through art you get to connect to what someone whom you’ve never met, yet feel what they were feeling when they made it.


At one point in your journey, you’ll realise art is about yourself. There’s enough beauty in this world that you could spend your entire life trying to see it all and you’d still fall short.


Art is in everything, not only in museums. In buildings, in clothes, on the streets, in ourselves. Who can watch the sky turn peach during a sunset or a murmur of birds changing shape and not feel like their witnessing art in motion.


We’re surrounded by art, yet we keep our heads down, we stare at the art other people post for us, we stare at bills, at blue light screens, under neon lightning in buildings made of glass meant to offer views, but the only thing you can see out the window are other glass buildings.


14. Spoiling yourself to indulge your passion挥洒自己的激情

How many of you are living with unfulfilled passions?!


We don’t find happiness in the material, but sometimes the material helps accentuate the happiness we’ve already found in ourselves.

Passionate about fishing? Buy that premium gear, travel to the best spots, rent the right boat and do not worry about how much time you have left. Luxury is about living in that moment with no regard to anything else.


Passionate about tech? Buy every device you feel that it will allow you passion to evolve.
Music? Build that studio for yourself!


When you spend money on your passion, you’re not wasting it, for it is your passions that make life worth living!


15. Reinventing Yourself重新发现自我

Most people barely get to live one life and even that happens not so often.


What if I told you that you could live more than one life? You can be more than you are. Assuming you’re a young adult, you still have many life cycles ahead of you.


Every 10 years you could become a new person. Biologically, every single cell in your body dies out and gets replaced by a new one every 7 to 10 years.


You should do the same!你如何同细胞一样进行迭代更新?

10 Years is more than enough to indulge yourself in one field and master it, but why would one choose to spend his entire life replaying the same level over and over again.


They live with the impression that experience makes them more valuable, but as a teacher who’s been teaching 5th grade for 40 years, you don’t really have 40 years worth of experience. You have a 1 year experience, repeated 40 times. It’s like never wanting to level up or play a different game for the rest of your life.


This is why smart people batch up their lives: this is the part where you make money and play the game of business, this is the part where you follow your passion, this is the part where you focus on the development of your kids and your relationships, this is when you enjoy art and travel the world.


Reinventing yourself multiple times is a luxury not everyone can afford. Most people get stuck early on in the game and settle for a life filled with regret.


Even if there is an afterlife or not or if reincarnation is a thing, why take the risk and wait for it to happen, when you could do the same thing before you die.


When all of these elements come together, you end up with an extraordinary life, a life that not only is worth remembering, but that’s a life worth living. It inspires others to do the same.


新闻播报July 18

> Chips: From shortages to overcapacity


A technician tests chips at a tech firm in Hefei, Anhui province. XIE CHEN/FOR CHINA DAILY

During the pandemic, semiconductor shortages affected industries including personal computers, smartphones and manufacturing. But the situation has suddenly reversed, turning a shortage into a glut in some industries. 疫情期间,芯片短缺影响了从个人电脑到汽车制造等多个行业,但这一情况近期突然发生了逆转,在一些行业里,芯片的产能供过于求。

In the three-week period from the end of May to June, consumers cut back spending on computers and smartphones and demand for chips fell in some industries, with an oversupply of chip capacity.


The Philadelphia Semiconductor Index is down 35 percent so far this year, far more than the S&P 500's 19 percent decline.


> 1.8 billion at risk for severe flooding


Photo taken on July 4, 2022 shows a flooded road in Windsor, New South Wales, Australia. [Photo/Xinhua]

More than 1.8 billion people worldwide are at risk for severe flooding, according to new research published in the journal Nature Communications. 《自然?通讯》杂志近日发表的一项研究认为,全球有超过18亿人面临严重洪水的风险。这项研究将全球洪水风险数据、人口密度以及贫困估测相结合起来。

The study combined a global flood risk database with information on population density and poverty, and found nearly 90 percent of people at risk live in poor countries and more than 780 million of those people live on less than $5.50 per day.


The study did not consider protections such as levees when assessing flood exposure.


> Video game prescribed by doctors to treat ADHD


The EndeavorRx game sees the user race around the universe (Credit: Akili)

While many parents worry their children spend too much time playing computer games, Kelcey Sihanourath is pleased to see her son pick up his tablet. 虽然当下很多父母都为孩子花太多时间玩电子游戏感到烦恼,但凯尔希?西哈努拉特很高兴看到儿子拿起平板电脑打游戏。

Now aged 13, he was diagnosed with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) in pre-school.


Help came in what initially seems very incongruous - a computer game called EndeavorRx.


In 2020 it became the first such game to be approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for use in the treatment of ADHD in children.


Kelcey says she was "a little skeptical” but started to see small, positive changes in his behavior after a period of time.


After failing fifth grade, Owain subsequently started getting As and Bs for his work.


Eddie Martucci, chief executive of Akili, plans to launch the game in Europe in the next few years.

开发EndeavorRx 游戏的科技公司 Akili 首席执行官艾迪?马尔图齐,计划未来几年内在欧洲推出这款游戏。

> Short space trips for paying passengers on the way


An artist's rendering of a space tourism vehicle. CHINA DAILY

CAS Space, a Beijing-based rocket company, is designing a set of reusable rockets and spacecraft to send paying passengers on short trips into space. 总部位于北京的中科宇航表示,该公司正在设计一套可重复使用的火箭和航天器,目的是将付费乘客送入太空进行短途旅行。

Yang Yiqiang, the founder of CAS Space, told China Daily on Wednesday if everything goes according to plan, the combination of the rocket and spaceship will become mature after at least 15 test flights and will be able to transport up to seven tourists per trip to an altitude of more than 100 kilometers, about 10 times the cruising altitude of a commercial jetliner.


Find more audio news on the China Daily app.




人民至上 put the people in the first place

中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平参加十三届全国人大三次会议内蒙古代表团审议时指出,党在任何时候都把群众利益放在第一位,为保护人民生命安全和身体健康可以不惜一切代价。President Xi Jinping said that the Party puts the people's interests in the first place under any circumstances and is willing to protect the people's life and health at all costs. Xi, who is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, made the remarks in a deliberation with fellow deputies from the delegation of Inner Mongolia autonomous region, at the third session of the 13th National People's Congress.


【重要讲话】在重大疫情面前,我们一开始就鲜明提出把人民生命安全和身体健康放在第一位。Since the very beginning of the novel coronavirus outbreak, the Party has upheld the principle of putting the people's lives and health as the top priority.——2020年5月22日,习近平参加十三届全国人大三次会议内蒙古代表团审议时表示

我们党没有自己特殊的利益,党在任何时候都把群众利益放在第一位。The CPC does not have any exclusive interests for itself, and it has put the people's interests in first place all the time.——2020年5月22日,习近平参加十三届全国人大三次会议内蒙古代表团审议时表示

脱贫攻坚重大胜利 major victory in poverty alleviation

中共中央政治局常务委员会12月3日召开会议,听取脱贫攻坚总结评估汇报。中共中央总书记习近平主持会议并发表重要讲话。习近平指出,经过8年持续奋斗,我们如期完成了新时代脱贫攻坚目标任务,现行标准下农村贫困人口全部脱贫,贫困县全部摘帽,消除了绝对贫困和区域性整体贫困,近1亿贫困人口实现脱贫,取得了令全世界刮目相看的重大胜利。Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, said on Dec 3 that China has accomplished its poverty alleviation target of the new era as scheduled and achieved a significant victory that impresses the world. Through eight years of sustained work, China has lifted all rural poor population under the current standard out of poverty and nearly 100 million poor people have shaken off poverty, Xi made the remarks while presiding over a meeting of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee. China has removed all poor counties from the poverty list, and eradicated absolute poverty and regional poverty, Xi said.


【重要讲话】脱贫攻坚的重大胜利,为实现第一个百年奋斗目标打下坚实基础,极大增强了人民群众获得感、幸福感、安全感,彻底改变了贫困地区的面貌,改善了生产生活条件,提高了群众生活质量,“两不愁三保障”全面实现。The great victory in poverty reduction has laid solid foundations for the fulfillment of the first centenary goal-to finish building a moderately prosperous society in all respects by the time the CPC celebrates its centenary in 2021-and has boosted the people's feeling of gain, happiness and security. The livelihood of the people in poverty-stricken areas has been greatly improved, and the people have sufficient food and clothing, as well as access to compulsory education, basic medical services and safe housing.——2020年12月3日,中共中央政治局常务委员会召开会议听取脱贫攻坚总结评估汇报,习近平发表重要讲话

疫情防控阻击战 the battle of epidemic prevention and control

2月3日,中共中央政治局常务委员会召开会议。中共中央总书记习近平在主持会议时强调,要同时间赛跑、与病魔较量,坚决遏制疫情蔓延势头,坚决打赢疫情防控阻击战。Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, urged concrete efforts on Feb 3 to race against time in combating the novel coronavirus and winning the battle of epidemic prevention and control. Xi made the remark while presiding over a meeting of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee in Beijing.


【重要讲话】做好疫情防控工作,直接关系人民生命安全和身体健康,直接关系经济社会大局稳定,也事关我国对外开放。The outcome of the epidemic prevention and control directly affects people's lives and health, the overall economic and social stability and the country's opening-up——2020年2月3日,习近平主持中共中央政治局常务委员会会议时发表的讲话

疫情防控不只是医药卫生问题,而是全方位的工作,各项工作都要为打赢疫情防控阻击战提供支持。The epidemic prevention and control is not only a health issue but comprehensive work which requires all-round support.——2020年2月3日,习近平主持中共中央政治局常务委员会会议时发表的讲话

“十四五”规划编制 14th Five-Year Plan formulation

中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平对“十四五”规划编制工作网上意见征求活动作出重要指示强调,要更好发挥互联网在倾听人民呼声、汇聚人民智慧方面的作用。President Xi Jinping has urged the better use of the internet to heed people's views and pool their wisdom. Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, gave an instruction on the work of soliciting public views and suggestions online to formulate the country's 14th Five-Year Plan for economic and social development.


【重要讲话】谋划“十四五”时期发展,要贯彻以人民为中心的发展思想,坚持发展为了人民、发展成果由人民共享,努力在推动高质量发展过程中办好各项民生事业、补齐民生领域短板。When making plans for the 14th Five-Year period (2021-2025), we must insist that development is for the people with the benefits shared by the people, and more efforts should be made to improve weak links concerning people's livelihood, while striving for high-quality development.——2020年9月17日,习近平在基层代表座谈会上强调

区域全面经济伙伴关系协定 Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership

经过八年谈判,亚太地区15个国家于11月15日签署《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》(RCEP)。该协定是全球最大的贸易协定,参与国家包括东盟十国及其五个主要贸易伙伴:中国、日本、韩国、澳大利亚及新西兰。After eight years of negotiations, 15 Asia-Pacific countries signed the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) on Nov 15, the world's biggest trade pact. The agreement involves all 10 member countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and five of its major trading partners-China, Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand.


【重要讲话】中国愿同更多国家商签高标准自由贸易协定,推动尽快签署区域全面经济伙伴关系协定,加快中欧投资协定、中日韩等自由贸易协定谈判进程,加强同世界高标准自贸区交流互鉴。China stands ready to conclude high-standard free trade agreements with more countries in the world. We will work for the early signing of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) and speed up negotiations on a China-EU investment treaty and a China-Japan-ROK free trade agreement. We look forward to more exchanges and mutual learning with high-standard free trade zones in other parts of the world.——2020年11月4日,第三届中国国际进口博览会开幕式举行,习近平以视频方式发表主旨演讲

“双循环”发展格局 a "dual circulation" development pattern

中共中央政治局召开会议,分析研究当前经济形势,部署下半年经济工作。会议指出,当前经济形势不稳定性不确定性较大,我们遇到的很多问题是中长期的,必须加快形成以国内大循环为主体、国内国际双循环相互促进的新发展格局。At a meeting held to analyze the economic situation and plan for the second half of the year, the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee said China still faces uncertain situations and problems that are likely to exist in the medium and long run, and urged the country to accelerate the establishment of a "dual circulation" development pattern in which domestic economic cycle plays a leading role while international economic cycle remains its extension and supplement.


【重要讲话】在当前保护主义上升、世界经济低迷、全球市场萎缩的外部环境下,我们必须集中力量办好自己的事,充分发挥国内超大规模市场优势,逐步形成以国内大循环为主体、国内国际双循环相互促进的新发展格局。In the face of an external environment characterized by rising protectionism, global economic downturn, and a shrinking international market, we need to pool resources and concentrate on managing the country's affairs well, and give full play to the advantage of a huge domestic market, so that a new development pattern will gradually be created whereby domestic and foreign markets can boost each other, with the domestic market as the mainstay.——2020年7月21日,习近平主持召开企业家座谈会并发表重要讲话

基础研究 basic research

科技部表示,我国通过政府引导、央地联动等方式大幅提升基础研究投入。基础研究投入从2015年的716亿元增长到2019年的1335.6亿元,年均增幅达到16.9%,大大高于全社会研发投入的增幅。Through government support and coordination of enterprises and social entities, China has substantially increased funding for basic research. China's investment in basic research increased from 71.6 billion yuan in 2015 to 133.56 billion yuan in 2019, with an average annual growth rate of 16.9 percent, much higher than that of the spending on research and development, according to the Ministry of Science and Technology.


【重要讲话】要持之以恒加强基础研究,加大基础研究投入,给予必要政策支持,创造有利于基础研究的良好科研生态。We should persist in strengthening basic research by increasing funding and providing more resources and policies to create a favorable atmosphere for basic research.——2020年9月11日,习近平在科学家座谈会上发表的重要讲话

光盘行动 "Clean your plate" campaign

国家主席习近平作出重要指示强调,要坚决制止餐饮浪费行为,切实培养节约习惯。他指出,餐饮浪费现象,触目惊心、令人痛心!尽管我国粮食生产连年丰收,对粮食安全还是始终要有危机意识,今年全球新冠肺炎疫情所带来的影响更是给我们敲响了警钟。President Xi Jinping has stressed resolutely putting an end to wasting food and called for promoting thrift. Xi made the requirement in an instruction. Calling the issue of food waste shocking and distressing, Xi highlighted the need to maintain a sense of crisis regarding food security, especially amid the fallout of the COVID-19 epidemic, despite the fact that China has scored consecutive bumper harvests.


【重要讲话】要进一步加强宣传教育,切实培养节约习惯,在全社会营造浪费可耻、节约为荣的氛围。It is necessary to further enhance public awareness of the issue, effectively cultivate thrifty habits and foster a social environment where waste is shameful and thriftiness is applaudable.——2020年8月,习近平对制止餐饮浪费行为作出重要指示

嫦娥五号 Chang'e-5 mission

12月17日,嫦娥五号首次实现了我国地外天体采样返回。中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平发来贺电,代表党中央、国务院和中央军委,向探月工程任务指挥部并参加嫦娥五号任务的全体同志致以热烈的祝贺和诚挚的问候。President Xi Jinping on Dec 17 congratulated the complete success of the Chang'e-5 mission that brings back the country's first samples collected from the moon. On behalf of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, the State Council and the Central Military Commission (CMC), Xi, also general secretary of the CPC Central Committee and chairman of the CMC, extended warm congratulations and sincere greetings to all members who participated in the Chang'e-5 mission in a congratulatory message.


【重要讲话】嫦娥五号任务作为我国复杂度最高、技术跨度最大的航天系统工程,首次实现了我国地外天体采样返回。这是发挥新型举国体制优势攻坚克难取得的又一重大成就,标志着中国航天向前迈出的一大步,将为深化人类对月球成因和太阳系演化历史的科学认知作出贡献。As China's most complicated space project, the Chang'e-5 mission has achieved the extraterrestrial sampling and returning for the first time. It is another major achievement in overcoming difficulties by giving full play to the advantages of the new nationwide system, marking a great step forward in China's space industry. This will contribute to deepening the understanding of the origin of the moon and the evolution history of the solar system.——2020年12月17日,习近平致电代表党中央、国务院和中央军委祝贺探月工程嫦娥五号任务取得圆满成功

只争朝夕,不负韶华 seize the day and live it to the fullest

新年前夕,国家主席习近平发表了2020年新年贺词。贺词指出,2020年是具有里程碑意义的一年。我们将全面建成小康社会,实现第一个百年奋斗目标。President Xi Jinping delivered a New Year speech in Beijing to ring in 2020, pledging to achieve the first centenary goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects in the "milestone" year.


【重要讲话】2020年也是脱贫攻坚决战决胜之年。冲锋号已经吹响。我们要万众一心加油干,越是艰险越向前,把短板补得再扎实一些,把基础打得再牢靠一些,坚决打赢脱贫攻坚战,如期实现现行标准下农村贫困人口全部脱贫、贫困县全部摘帽。2020 will also be a year of decisive victory for the elimination of poverty. The bugle has sounded. United as one, we shall work harder. The greater the difficulties are, the further we advance, strengthening our weak links even more and laying a more solid foundation to win the hard battle against poverty with determination, to lift all impoverished rural residents and counties out of poverty by current standards as scheduled.——2019年12月31日,习近平发表2020年新年贺词

让我们只争朝夕,不负韶华,共同迎接2020年的到来。Let's seize the day and live it to the fullest, and greet the arrival of the year 2020 together.——2019年12月31日,习近平发表2020年新年贺词

(中国日报网英语点津 编辑)


原创 严步耕 新京报书评周刊 今天



而出人意料的是,鲍勃·迪伦在社交网站上发布了新歌《Murder Most Foul》。这首新歌被外媒称为“史诗级的散文诗”,由于歌词存在大量历史故事的文献式引用,引发了欧美媒体、粉丝和学人们的历史考据热潮。





,收录在专辑《Time Of Mind》之中。在专辑制作时,唱片公司负责人问迪伦:“有精简版吗?”鲍勃·迪伦回答说:“这就是精简版。”《高地》的时长为16分31秒,而今这首《最卑鄙的谋杀》时长为16分56秒.

它是鲍勃·迪伦迄今为止最长的歌曲,它在16:54分钟时在我的计算机上计时,并取代了1997年专辑《Time out of Mind》中的前冠军“高地”





(Trapper Schoepp)





鲍勃·迪伦这首史诗新歌,引发了欧美媒体的智力游戏,纷纷对歌词进行索引式考据。在欧美各大媒体上,这首歌还引发了大家重新回顾1960年代的流行文化事件和反文化运动等历史。著名音乐媒体《滚石》,特别制作了一份肯尼迪被刺杀后的歌曲创作清单。此外,著名的鲍勃·迪伦粉丝网站“Expecting Rain”,特意每天搜集整理全世界各大媒体对这首史诗级新歌的新闻报道和评论文章。

在《滚石》的网站上,编辑安迪·格林(Andy Greene)为粉丝们特别整理了歌词中所隐含的二十个文化事件。在“滚石”的整理基础上,笔者对歌词所隐含的历史故事进行了一定程度的增补。很有意思的是,在这首史诗级新歌里,鲍勃·迪伦在歌词的结尾处直接对自己的这首新歌进行引用,给这首歌和鲍勃·迪伦的引用行为带来无穷的意味。

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1. “Living in a nightmare on Elm Street”


(Wes Craven)


(Nightmare onElm Street)


2. “Frankly,Miss Scarlett, I don’t give a damn”


(Rhett Butler)



3. “Tommy,can you hear me? I’m the Acid Queen”



,讲述的是一位聋哑人和巫师之间的故事。在故事中,Acid Queen意欲使用迷幻药与之发生性关系。但,不知鲍勃·迪伦在此用意为何。

4. “Wakeup, little Susie; let’s go for a drive”

《WakeUp Little Susie》,是音乐组合艾佛利兄弟

(The Everly Brothers,由Don Everly和Phil Everly组成)

的一首歌。1960年,鲍勃·迪伦的女友名字是Susie Rotolo。在此,鲍勃·迪伦一语双关地谈论1960年代的历史记忆。

5. “I’m justa patsy like Patsy Cline”


(Lee Harvey Oswald)


(Patsy Cline)


6. “What’s new, pussycat?What’d I say?”

《What’s newpussycat》是英国著名男歌手汤姆·琼斯

(Tom Jones)

的流行歌曲。《What’d I say》是雷·查尔斯

(Ray Charles)


7. “Wolfman Jack, speaking in tongues”


(George Lucas)


(American Graffiti)



8. “Take me to the place Tom Dooley was hung”


(Tom Dula)


(Laura Foster)


(The KingstonTrio)


(Tom Dooley)


9. “Play ‘Please, Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood’ ”

《Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood》是美国歌手妮娜·西蒙

(Nina Simone)

在1964年创作的一首歌。第二年,英国著名摇滚乐队The Animals改编为布鲁斯摇滚版进行翻唱。在录制完这首歌不久后,The Animals乐队的键盘手Alan Price离开了乐队组合。


(Don’t Look Back)


(House of theRising sun)


10. “Play Don Henley, play Glenn Frey/Take it to the limit and let it go by”


(Don Henley)


(Glenn Frey)


(Randy Meisner)


11. “Play it for Carl Wilson, too/Looking far, far away down Gower Avenue”


(Carl Wilson)


(Warren Zevon)


(Desperados Under the Eaves)

,歌词中包含“Look away down Gower Avenue, look away”。鲍勃·迪伦是沃伦·泽方的铁杆粉丝。沃伦·泽方于2013年9月7日去世,鲍勃·迪伦在2002年演唱了他的很多歌曲。

12. “Play Etta James, too. Play ‘I’dRather Go Blind’ ?”


(Etta James)


(Ellington Jordan)


(Billy Foster)


(I'd RatherGo Blind)


13. “Play ‘Blue Sky’; play Dickey Betts”


(Blue Sky)


(The AllmanBrothers Band)


(Duane Allman)


(Dickey Betts)


14. “Play something for the Birdman of Alcatraz”


(Birdman of Alcatraz)


(John Frankenheimer)


(Burt Lancaster


(Robert Stroud)


(C.S. Lewis)


(Aldous Huxley)



15. “Play ‘Down In TheBoondocks’ for Terry Malloy”


(Terry Malloy)


(Marlon Brando)


(On the Waterfront)


(Down In The Boondocks)


(Billie Joe Royal)


(Blonde on Blonde)



16. “Play ‘Anything Goes’ and ‘Memphis in June’ ”


(Anything Goes)

是1934年百老汇音乐剧的主题曲,歌词由Cole Porter创作。《六月的孟菲斯》

(Memphis in June)


(Hoagy Carmichael)


(Tight Connection to My Heart)


17. Play ‘Lonely at the Top’ and ‘Lonely Are the Brave'”


(Lonely at the Top)

已被很多歌手用在歌词里。鲍勃·迪伦在《Beyond the Horizon 》中的歌词也使用了这句:It’s lonely atthe top。1962年,根据爱德华·艾比

(Edward Abbey)


(Brave Cowboy)


(Lonely Are the Brave)


(Kirk Douglas)


18. “Play ‘Love Me or Leave Me’ by the great Bud Powell”


(Bud Powell)


(Love Me or Leave Me)




(Ruth Etting)


(Nina Simone)


(Ella Fitzgerald)


19 . “Play ‘Marching Through Georgia’ and ‘Dumbarton’s Drums’ ”


(MarchingThrough Georgia)


(Dumbarton’s Drums)


20. “Play ‘The Blood-StainedBanner,’ play ‘Murder Most Foul’ ”


(The Blood-Stained Banner)


(Murder Most Foul)


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附录《Murder Most Foul》歌词

[Verse 1]

It was a darkday in Dallas, November '63

A day thatwill live on in infamy

PresidentKennedy was a-ridin'high

Good day tobe livin' anda good dayto die

Being ledto the slaughter like a sacrificial lamb

He said,"Wait a minute, boys, you know who I am?"

"Of coursewe do, we know who you are!"

Then theyblew off his head while he was still in the car

Shot downlike a dog in broad daylight

Was amatter of timing and the timing was right

You gotunpaid debts, we've come to collect

We're gonnakill you with hatred, without any respect

We'll mockyou and shock you and we'll put it in your face

We'vealready got someone here to take your place

The daythey blew out the brains of the king

Thousandswere watching, no one saw a thing

It happenedso quickly, so quick, by surprise

Right therein front of everyone's eyes

Greatestmagic trick ever under the sun

Perfectlyexecuted, skillfully done

Wolfman, ohWolfman, oh Wolfman, howl

Rub-a-dub-dub,it's a murder most foul

[Verse 2]

Hush,little children, you'll understand

The Beatlesare comin', they're gonna hold your hand

Slide downthe banister, go get your coat

Ferry'cross the Mersey and go for the throat

There'sthree bums comin' all dressed in rags

Pick up thepieces and lower the flags

I'm goin'to Woodstock, it's the Aquarian Age

Then I'llgo over to Altamont and sit near the stage

Put yourhead out the window, let the good times roll

There's aparty going on behind the Grassy Knoll

Stack upthe bricks, pour the cement

Don't sayDallas don't love you, Mr. President

Put yourfoot in the tank and then step on the gas

Try to makeit to the triple underpass

Blackfacesinger, whiteface clown

Better notshow your faces after the sun goes down

Up in thered light district, they've got cop on the beat

Living in anightmare on Elm Street

When you'redown on Deep Ellum, put your money in your shoe

Don't askwhat your country can do for you

Cash on thebarrelhead, money to burn

DealeyPlaza, make a left-hand turn

I'm goingdown to the crossroads, gonna flag a ride

The placewhere faith, hope, and charity died

Shoot himwhile he runs, boy, shoot him while you can

See if youcan shoot the invisible man

Goodbye,Charlie! Goodbye, Uncle Sam!

Frankly,Miss Scarlett, I don't give a damn

What is thetruth, and where did it go?

Ask Oswaldand Ruby, they oughta know

"Shutyour mouth," said a wise old owl

Business isbusiness, and it's a murder most foul

[Verse 3]

Tommy, canyou hear me? I'm the Acid Queen

I'm ridingin a long, black Lincoln limousine

Ridin' inthe back seat next to my wife

Headedstraight on in to the afterlife

I'm leaningto the left, I got my head in her lap

Hold on,I've been led into some kind of a trap

Where weask no quarter, and no quarter do we give

We're rightdown the street, from the street where you live

They mutilatedhis body and they took out his brain

What morecould they do? They piled on the pain

But hissoul was not there where it was supposed to be at

For thelast fifty years they've been searchin' for that

Freedom, ohfreedom, freedom over me

I hate totell you, mister, but only dead men are free

Send mesome lovin', then tell me no lie

Throw thegun in the gutter and walk on by

Wake up,little Susie, let's go for a drive

Cross theTrinity River, let's keep hope alive

Turn theradio on, don't touch the dials

ParklandHospital, only six more miles

You got medizzy, Miss Lizzy, you filled me with lead

That magicbullet of yours has gone to my head

I'm just apatsy like Patsy Cline

Never shotanyone from in front or behind

I've bloodin my eye, got blood in my ear

I'm nevergonna make it to the new frontier

Zapruder'sfilm I seen night before

Seen itthirty-three times, maybe more

It's vileand deceitful, it's cruel and it's mean

Ugliestthing that you ever have seen

They killedhim once and they killed him twice

Killed himlike a human sacrifice

The daythat they killed him, someone said to me, "Son

The age ofthe Antichrist has just only begun"

Air ForceOne comin' in through the gate

Johnsonsworn in at 2:38

Let me knowwhen you decide to throw in the towel

It is whatit is, and it's murder most foul

[Verse 4]

What's new,pussycat? What'd I say?

I said thesoul of a nation been torn away

And it'sbeginning to go into a slow decay

And thatit's thirty-six hours past Judgment Day

WolfmanJack, he's speaking in tongues

He's goingon and on at the top of his lungs

Play me asong, Mr. Wolfman Jack

Play it forme in my long Cadillac

Play methat "Only the Good Die Young"

Take me tothe place Tom Dooley was hung

Play"St. James Infirmary" and the Court of King James

If you wantto remember, you better write down the names

Play EttaJames, too, play "I'd Rather Go Blind"

Play it forthe man with the telepathic mind

Play JohnLee Hooker, play "Scratch My Back"

Play it forthat strip club owner named Jack

Guitar Slimgoing down slow

Play it forme and for Marilyn Monroe

[Verse 5]

Play"Please Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood"

Play it forthe First Lady, she ain't feeling any good

Play DonHenley, play Glenn Frey

Take it tothe limit and let it go by

Play it forCarl Wilson, too

Lookingfar, far away down Gower Avenue

Playtragedy, play "Twilight Time"

Take meback to Tulsa to the scene of the crime

Playanother one and "Another One Bites the Dust"

Play"The Old Rugged Cross" and "In God We Trust"

Ride thepink horse down that long, lonesome road

Stand thereand wait for his head to explode

Play"Mystery Train" for Mr. Mystery

The man whofell down dead like a rootless tree

Play it forthe reverend, play it for the pastor

Play it forthe dog that got no master

Play OscarPeterson, play Stan Getz

Play"Blue Sky," play Dickey Betts

Play ArtPepper, Thelonious Monk

CharlieParker and all that junk

All thatjunk and "All That Jazz"

Playsomething for the Birdman of Alcatraz

Play BusterKeaton, play Harold Lloyd

Play BugsySiegel, play Pretty Boy Floyd

Play thenumbers, play the odds

Play"Cry Me a River" for the Lord of the gods

Play Numbernine, play Number six

Play it forLindsey and Stevie Nicks

Play NatKing Cole, play "Nature Boy"

Play"Down in the Boondocks" for Terry Malloy

Play"It Happened One Night" and "One Night of Sin"

There'stwelve million souls that are listening in

Play"Merchant of Venice", play "Merchants of Death"

Play"Stella by Starlight" for Lady Macbeth

Don'tworry, Mr. President, help's on the way

Yourbrothers are comin', there'll be hell to pay

Brothers?What brothers? What's this about hell?

Tell them,"We're waiting, keep coming," we'll get them as well

Love Fieldis where his plane touched down

But itnever did get back up off the ground

Was a hardact to follow, second to none

They killedhim on the altar of the rising sun

Play"Misty" for me and "That Old Devil Moon"

Play"Anything Goes" and "Memphis in June"

Play"Lonely at the Top" and "Lonely Are the Brave"

Play it forHoudini spinning around in his grave

Play JellyRoll Morton, play "Lucille"

Play"Deep in a Dream", and play "Driving Wheel"

Play"Moonlight Sonata" in F-sharp

And "AKey to the Highway" for the king on the harp

Play"Marching Through Georgia" and "Dumbarton's Drums"

Play darknessand death will come when it comes

Play"Love Me or Leave Me" by the great Bud Powell

Play"The Blood-Stained Banner", play "Murder Most Foul"









There's nothing magical about the number 10,000.


In fact, the idea of walking at least 10,000 steps a day for health goes back decades to a marketing campaign launched in Japan to promote a pedometer. And, in subsequent years, it was adopted in the US as a goal to promote good health. It's often the default setting on fitness trackers, but what's it really based on?


"The original basis of the number was not scientifically determined," says researcher I-Min Lee of Brigham and Women's Hospital.


She was curious to know how many steps you need to take a day to maintain good health and live a long life, so she and her colleagues designed a study that included about 17,000 older women. Their average age was 72. The women all agreed to clip on wearable devices to track their steps as they went about their day-to-day activities.


It turns out that women who took about 4,000 steps per day got a boost in longevity, compared with women who took fewer steps. "It was sort of surprising," Lee says.


In fact, women who took 4,400 steps per day, on average, were about 40 percent less likely to die during the follow-up period of about four years compared with women who took 2,700 steps. The findings were published Wednesday in?JAMA Internal Medicine.


Another surprise: The benefits of walking maxed out at about 7,500 steps. In other words, women who walked more than 7,500 steps per day saw no additional boost in longevity.


"I love this study. I think it's really good news for women who may not be particularly active," says Kathleen Janz, who studies how physical activity influences health at the University of Iowa. She was not involved in this study.


Janz, who helped shape the new federal exercise recommendations released last November, says the message that comes from this study is that older women can benefit from just light walking.


"They didn't need to go to the gym or invest in a personal trainer or exercise equipment," she says. All they had to do was walk.


And Janz says that's encouraging.


"To me, this study suggests there's more benefit to light activity than we were previously thinking there might be," she says.


Of course, the researchers point out, they would like to know much more about how walking may affect other health parameters such as quality of life and memory and cognitive function. It's possible that walking a greater number of steps each day could influence these outcomes.


Another thing Janz notes is that this study only measures walking. It didn't measure things that many of us do that don't require steps, things like gardening, swimming or biking. And it's safe to assume some women in the study were doing these other things that can influence health as well.


And Janz says to remember the federal exercise guidelines call for 150 minutes per week of moderate physical activity, which includes all kinds of daily movement, not just steps.


So, if 10,000 steps has been feeling out of reach to you, it may be time reset those factory settings on your fitness tracker. Instead, try to hit at least 4,400 a day, along with daily activities that you enjoy. And stick to it.



来源: 中国日报网
